  • Hari 22

    Abel Tasmen Coastal Walk Day 2

    22 Desember 2019, Selandia Baru ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    After a tuff night, we woke up early from the Wekas and the boats that were already arriving so early with some kayaks.

    The Wekas kept me awake quite long as they were around the tent and in the front part of the tent almost all the time searching through our stuff. 😬
    I start to hate them, they are really annoying, trying to steal everything they can get at any time. You really need to be aware of your stuff all the time.

    We had a simple breakfast and was then without any stress pacing our stuff.
    We have a big low tide crossing in front of us at Awaroa Hut and low tide is at 1 pm today, so no need to stress around and get going, as it’s around 2 1/2 hour there from Onetahuti.
    We started our walk at 9.35 am. It was compared to yesterday a quite easy walk. It was also going up the hills but not as steep as yesterday.
    So it was nice for the muscles to get going like this again.
    I can say, I feel my muscles but mostly I have pain in my shoulders and hips from the backpack! At least it’s not as heavy anymore!
    Halfway it was quite a steep way up that cost us some time and a lot of energy but compare with the last one from yesterday it was not to bad.
    We arrived in Awaroa around 12 o’clock! We took a short break there, filling up our water bottles and eating an apple.
    Then we started our walk over the low tide track. Some parts of the track were extremely muddy, others were full of shells and that was hurting like hell to walk over them without shoes. But to put the shoes back on was no option as we hade to pass like 4 streams of knee-deep water. The crossing took us over 30 min and at the other end to took another break and cleaned and checked our feeds for wounds from the shells. Lu actually got a small part of a shell stuck in her foot. 😳
    Luckily it was just a small piece and she got it out and had no problems with it afterward!

    From there it was only 2 hours left to Totaranui!
    The first part was very easy but the last 30 min was a real test again. Tired as we are already the steep and long climb up the last hill was almost horrible 🙈😅
    But we made it!!!
    We arrived in Totaranui at 14.45 pm.
    We stopped the backpacks in the car and went to the beach to have lunch and just relax for like an hour in the sun!
    We walked almost 30km in total yesterday and today 💪🏼
    Think we can be proud of us! 😊
    After that, we drove back to Takaka where we were splitting us up again, as we have different plans for the next weeks!
    It was really nice to have company for some days, especially the walk and we gonna stay in contact and maybe meet up later again if it fits our plans 😊

    I will spend the night at the campground in Takaka and I can’t tell you, how nice it was to take a long and hot shower after two days of hiking!!
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