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  • Day 6


    March 3, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    After an ice cold night with temperatures below 0 degrees and very less sleep I was not really feeling for getting out of my sleeping bag at 7:30am.
    Had cold feeds the whole night and just been sleeping some naps every now and then. The rest was okay warm, not very warm but it was okay. But the cold feeds kept me awake 😬
    I got out of the tent shortly before 8 am and
    decided I will have lunch in the car with the heat on. Trying to warm up. My car windows were still frozen, even though it's supposed to be 3 degrees "already".
    Shortly before 9 am I left the campground to drive to the visitor center to meet up with the Canyoning guides.
    I was just in time but actually the last one to arrive. My guides for today are Pat and Jackson.
    I got my equipment, wetsuit, warm neopren socks, shoes, helmet, lifwest and a harness. Packed down everything we need, got some instructions and then jumped into the buss to drive to the Ranger Station where we started our 45 minutes walk to the canyon. Good I did some tracks the last days. Was going a lot up hill but was good to manage.
    When we arrived to changers rock we got dressed up and walk the last step part down to the canyon. The trip starts with a 12 m abseiling down into the canyon, the point of no return. If you do that, you have to finish the canyon. There is no way out!
    We were all so ready for it!
    But gosh the water is cold! No problem with all the stuff on but the hands starts to freeze immidiatly when they come in contact with the water. So the whole trip everyone was trying to keep the hands out of the water as much as possible what was looking really funny 🤣
    Then it was a smaller jump for the warm up. A car seat jump as we were supposed to land on our bud. Shortly after that already the big jump, almost 7 m was waiting for us. We got our instructions and then everyone went down. It took me a second to encourage myself but I made it again and it was feeling great!
    Then we can to the laundry shoot, a big slide that got really fast. Super funny!
    With another big jump, a car seat jump, some swimming and some walking we made our way through the canyon until we arrived at our lunch break sandbank.
    The canyon is really beautiful. Can't really describe it, you have to see it.
    For lunch we had wraps, classic but so good. We could fill them by ourselves. MHH
    After that it was time for the next abseil, then another jump, the teacup jump as the pool looks like a teacup. We should to a yoga position at that one, what was really funny to watch.
    For the last jump we should do something funny.
    Adnd the very last waterfall, the smallest one of the day, we should look terrified when we slide it down. Think I nailed it! At least everyone was really laughing about my performance! 😂
    And then we were done! Almost to fast for me, not for my hands, they were just white since a while..
    The worst part still in front of us. Climbing out of the canyon 😬
    And I really mean climbing. Super narrow, partly extremely steep path to follow. Super challenging for some, some walked it super easy. Crazy. But we all made it. Had to stop a few times at the end to catch my breath. Had some guys waiting for me each time or even returning to look where I am as they didn't notice me stopping behind them right away. That was really nice of them.
    It should take around 20 minutes to changers rock, don't know how long it took me, but I made it! Worst was to do this climb in the wetsuit! Hard to bend your knees and move properly.
    So we got changed had a small break and then walked the 40 min back to Ranger Station to the buss that was already waiting for us. Back at the shop we helped our guides to unpack the bags and organize the equipment to big mountains. After that it was a goodbye to everyone one, we all had a great day!
    I went to my car and started driving towards Launceston around 3:30pm. Will see how far I am coming, but need to get some kilometers down, bad weather is ahead on the east coast.
    Forgot to say that this was the first day with really good weather, blue sky the whole day, 19 degrees! Awesome
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