  • Dzień 308

    The joys of live aboard overwintering

    26 stycznia 2020, Francja ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Well the weather hasn’t been all bad we have had a very mixed bag. Yesterday was sunny and we took a ride to the beach for wombling as well as shopping for Sunday Roast ingredients and doing the washing. The last few days we have been working on various projects.
    John has been focusing on wiring up the various electronics. The radar, radio, compass and GPS were all previously on the Missen mast that is no more so needed to be mounted elsewhere and reconnected. Everything is now complete.
    My jobs were more domestic in nature. I made a big batch of chunky carrot and coriander soup, as it’s nice to have a warm lunch on those cold days and the French believe soup should should be smooth whereas I want to chew my food. Some more carrot cakes to help fatten John up so he doesn’t get so cold. I have also made a cover, by hand, (machine broke) for the new stern tabernacle folding table John is going to build. My DPNs finally arrived, for those of you who are not knitters DPNs are double pointed needles, so I am now knitting my first pair of socks 🧦. The first one is a bit pointy on the toe as I got the cast off instructions a bit confused 🤷‍♀️ but nailed it for the heel section so second sock should be perfect! I am also doing my first ever bit of cross stitch thanks to my birthday present from Michelle and Paul. Took a few stitches to appreciate the need to do all the / before coming back with the \ but it’s going well now and I love the nautical theme. At the moment I am feeling inspired to maybe make a cross stitch Take Five but this enthusiasm may well wear off. I also have some new blue chunky wool that I am looking for a project for, any suggestions anyone?
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