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  • Day 1

    Turtle Laying Eggs@Monica Bay

    August 29, 2016 in Malaysia

    #throwback #不去会后悔 #noregret
    A tribute to Pak Su who passed away in November 2018
    One of the highlights in this trip - watching turtle lay eggs. Typically, the peak season is May until July. We thought we would have missed watching turtle laying, we were so exciting when Pak Su called us at 9.20pm saying that the ranger found one turtle came onshore to lay eggs. Just like the stuffed crab, we stuffed the "stuff crab" that we ordered within 15 minutes and rushed to Monica Bay.
    Once reaching the beach, the surrounding was very dark, Pak Su was waiting us in the dark with another ranger. He told us a lot about turtle ranging from turtle species, hatching process and threats that were faced by the turtle and so on
    Watching the turtle eggs was an amazing process. However, the ranger had no choice but to collect all of eggs that were just laid to the hatching centre. This is important to prevent some locals from "stealing the eggs" and sell them at market.
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