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  • Day 6

    Day 5 - Naplavka Market & Maya Strana

    June 1, 2019 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Today we planned to go to the riverside market, the Czech Museum of Music & explore the 'Little Quarter' neighborhood across the river from where we are staying.

    First up, coffee! The apartment has a French press and some ground coffee but it is barely drinkable for me and not even that for Diane. Cafe Ebel was nearby, thankfully.

    The Naplavka market sold mainly foods - meats, bakery items, fresh veggies & flowers. Took a pic of a mushroom (?) with a most interesting shape & a beautiful flower the Czechs call 'Jirinka'.

    There were lots of people, many with small kids & small dogs. Along the boardwalk, various eating places and tour boats.

    One of the interesting vendors was a fellow who sold wine drawn from spigots at the back of his van. For serious beer drinkers, there was Tankove Pivo, roughly translated as tanks of beer. And there were tanks!

    It was hot-hot-hot and manoevering through the crowds was exhausting!
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