Prague 2019

maj - juni 2019
April - June 2019 Læs mere
  • 34fodaftryk
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  • 8,1kkilometer
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  • Dag 6

    Day 5 - Czech Museum of Music

    1. juni 2019, Tjekkiet ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    I loved this museum & could have stayed there for hours! A very unassuming first impression but a Wow! factor inside every exhibition room. The instruments were staged in categories, e.g. pianos, violins, drums, and so forth.

    The interactive design allowed you to listen to recordings of instruments and to learn something unique about each of them.

    You could opt to play select instruments. That was fun. I loved the feel of the harp's strings & its sound. In contrast, my attempts to play the theremen were a bust. It was difficult to achieve anything remotely melodious.

    If like me, you'd never heard of a theremen before, check out this You Tube video:

    Chris, this link is for you & other Star Trek fans: though the original series did not use a theremen. 😊
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  • Dag 6

    Day 5 - Naplavka Market & Maya Strana

    1. juni 2019, Tjekkiet ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Today we planned to go to the riverside market, the Czech Museum of Music & explore the 'Little Quarter' neighborhood across the river from where we are staying.

    First up, coffee! The apartment has a French press and some ground coffee but it is barely drinkable for me and not even that for Diane. Cafe Ebel was nearby, thankfully.

    The Naplavka market sold mainly foods - meats, bakery items, fresh veggies & flowers. Took a pic of a mushroom (?) with a most interesting shape & a beautiful flower the Czechs call 'Jirinka'.

    There were lots of people, many with small kids & small dogs. Along the boardwalk, various eating places and tour boats.

    One of the interesting vendors was a fellow who sold wine drawn from spigots at the back of his van. For serious beer drinkers, there was Tankove Pivo, roughly translated as tanks of beer. And there were tanks!

    It was hot-hot-hot and manoevering through the crowds was exhausting!
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  • Dag 6

    Day 5 - Kampa Island Park

    1. juni 2019, Tjekkiet ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    We decided to head to Kampa for lunch and a look-see. Along the way, checked out the Lennon Wall. I read somewhere that it's the only place in the city where grafitti is legal but we've seen this type of street art all over the place. That said, Lennon's Wall has taken on a special significance to people desiring independence & freedom.

    Lovers Bridge used to be covered with locks that declared people's love for one another. However the city removes the locks regularly to protect the integrity of the bridge. Now the gnome-like fellow is on his own.

    More cool street art! David Cerny's 'Babies' are larger than life and are said to have barcode faces. Very unusual as are all of his creations.

    And more... The yellow penguins by The Cracking Art Group are made of recycled plastic bottles taken from landfill sites. They are marching in protest of what is happening to their Antarctic home due to global warming and environmental destruction.

    We chose the Sovovy restaurant by happenstance. It was riverside, the food was good and the views, spectacular! It was so relaxing to watch people enjoying the day in paddleboats shaped like cars, geese, and other shapes. Large boats shared the same space and moved through the locks beside us. At times, it was a bit of a traffic jam in the locks and in the open channel.

    Diane struck up a conversation with a very nice couple who joined us at our table. We discovered it's a very small world. They live in Calgary and the lady grew up near Diane's son-in-law's home town in Siberia. She was very passionate about astrology and healing waters.

    We headed home and have had a lazy evening. Tomorrow, we're going to Cesky Krumlov in southern Bohemia, a 3-hour bus trip each way. Need to be up especially early to tram it over to the main bus station. 💤💤
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  • Dag 7

    Day 6 - Cesky Krumlov

    2. juni 2019, Tjekkiet ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Today we hopped a Regiobus to Cesky Krumlov, an 8:00 a.m. departure and roughly a 3-hour drive from Prague. We had booked tickets online for an English-speaking tour of the castle and otherwise planned to see the Marionette and Moldovite museums, wander the streets and enjoy the atmosphere.

    Once we arrived, we decided to have lunch/supper at the Ruze Hotel. We had their Panaramic Terrace largely to ourselves. We both chose duck with red cabbage and two types of sliced dumplings, and at the waiter's suggestion, a Czech garlic soup. Everything was melt-in-your-mouth goodness, and the garlic soup, an especially pleasant surprise.

    The view was stunning! The terrace was just above the river and we looked directly onto a green, lush hilly park. Imagine sunshine, blue skies, birds singing and the gentle sounds of water flowing. It felt like time had stood still.

    After lunch, we wandered the streets until we found the Moldovite Museum. Moldavite is a meteor-formed precious stone, created only under certain conditions. We watched a short video and speed-viewed the museum displays; then walked up stairs and uphill to the castle for our tour.

    The guide was excellent! We learned the castle's history and some interesting facts about its Rococo style. I was particularly impressed by three things - the chapel, the Masquerade Hall ( and a porcelain chandelier with ornate flowers in an oriental design.

    Diane opted to people-watch and enjoy the views while I trekked up to check out the revolving theatre ( and the Royal Gardens.

    We passed on the Marionette Museum in favor of a sit-down break in the shade (27 degrees in direct sun on hot pavement was wearing). Went back to the Ruze and the Ukrainian mother/son working there remembered us from lunch. Ice cream for Diane and a yummy apple strudel for me.

    Back to the bus stop and a comfy trip back to Prague.

    From my perspective, the day flew by and it was hard to believe we'd been in Cesky Krumlov for seven hours and on buses for another six hours. It was simply not enough time to explore the town at a relaxing pace. I'd recommend an overnight stay there.

    My bottom-line impressions of Cesky Krumlov? From a distance, stunningly beautiful. Close-up, not so much.The cobbled streets are lined with souvenier shops & restaurants. Uber crowds. Very touristy. Not at all the charming fairy-tale Bohemian town I had imagined when reading about it.

    That said, I would definitely recommend it as a destination to others. I remember what a tour guide constantly mentioned when I was in Greece, 'If you don't see what you expect, change your expectations'. Great advice.
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  • Dag 8

    Day 7 - Jewish Town & Vsyhrad

    3. juni 2019, Tjekkiet ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    We'll be out the door at 7 this morning to walk Charles Bridge before it becomes mega-crowded. After that, the priorities are a latte for Diane and a cappucino for me.

    We'll tour more of Josefov and catch a tram south to Vsyhrad.

    It's forecast to be 28 today so sunscreen is a must.

    Tonight we'll attend a smaller concert at the Mirror Chapel in the Klementium after meeting a friend of Diane's son-in-law.

    I feel so very fortunate to be in able to take trips like this! Diane's presence, observations, blog and pictures, have enriched my experience beyond measure.
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  • Dag 8

    Day 7 - Charles Bridge & Czech Art

    3. juni 2019, Tjekkiet ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    We were on our way to the Charles Bridge just before 7 and had an enjoyable amble across it. The bridge is built of sandstone blocks and is flanked at both ends by fortified towers. Thirty statues of saints, all beautiful ornate sculptures, decorate the bridge, the most famous being St. John of Nepomuk. It is considered good luck to rub parts of certain statues and decorative elements.

    We saw at least five wedding couples having formal pictures taken, many buskers and artists doing caricatures. BUT, no crowds! Yet.

    David Cerny's controversial sculpture 'Pee' was nearby in the Kafka Museum's courtyard so off we went to take a few pics.

    There were two marionette shops located at the Maya Strana end of Charles Bridge. The work of the artists was spectacular. I resisted buying a marionette for Shandi as there were simply too many to choose from and as they were hand-crafted, very expensive.

    We also discovered a unique shop that sold wooden items. Gorgeous!
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  • Dag 8

    Day 7 - Canal Boat Ride

    3. juni 2019, Tjekkiet ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We decided to take a boat ride through the canals and see Prague from the river. Lots of interesting info about the river and bridges.

    A tiny girl (Diane thought she might be 20 months old) was happily waving to all the ducks & dancing playfully for Diane. So cute!Læs mere

  • Dag 8

    Day 7 - Jewish Museums & Cemetery

    3. juni 2019, Tjekkiet ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Today we toured the Pinkas Synagogue & Old Jewish Cemetery and the Klausen Synagogue.

    The Pinkas Synagogue is a memorial to Holocost victims from Moravia & Bohemia. The walls are covered with the names of the 77,297 Jewish people who died. There is a display of art made by children in the Terezin concentration camp which was located about 70 km north of Prague.

    The cemetery is equally moving. For over 300 years it was the only buriel ground permitted for the Jews. There are an estimated 100,000 graves buried on top of each other, as much as 12 layers deep.

    The Klaussen Synagogue has a collection of scripts and items used to maintain Jewish customs.
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  • Dag 8

    Day 7 - The Rest of the Story...

    3. juni 2019, Tjekkiet ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    By this time, it was mid-afternoon and 28 degrees under a clear blue sky on hot city pavement. We were both losing steam quickly so nixed the idea of going to Vsyhrad.

    Headed back to our apartment after finding the Municipal Library's 'Idiom' or 'Wormhole'. It was featured on the cover of Science Magazine in 2011. It's quite unassuming from the exterior (just a column of books laid flat on one another) but inside it mirrors create the illusion of infinity.

    We met Jacob, a long-time friend of Diane's son-in-law for coffee/cake at 6. It was wonderful to hear first-hand what it's like to live in Prague and to learn more about local customs. A very genuine and talented young man.

    We parted ways and attended a music concert at The Mirror Room in the Klemetinum. Imagine 5 talented musicians playing 4 stringed instruments and the chapel's massive organ, an opera singer with a powerful voice and a beautiful space with great acoustics. What a perfect way to end our day!
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  • Dag 9

    Day 8 - Our Last Day in Prague

    4. juni 2019, Tjekkiet ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    We've booked a private tour of the Strahhov Library at the hilltop monestery next to the castle at 11:15 today. Lots of time for a leisurely breakfast before we hop the tram.

    Afternoon plans to be determined. We may take a tram to Vsyhrad. Last night at the Klementinum we talked to an English lady who highly recommended it.


    We're keenly aware that our internal batteries are having challenges re-energizing for more than short bursts of time. We'd both prefer to pace ourselves better than we have up until now. Especially since the forecast is 29 degrees!

    Another memorable Prague day awaits...
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