South American Solo Adventure

Januari - Maret 2017
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  • Hari 24

    Torres del Paine W Trek- days 1 & 2

    1 Februari 2017, Cabai ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

    I've split the TDP trek up into different posts because otherwise it's just ridiculous.

    This is quite indulgent with lots of description to help jog my future self's memory. Some of it displays my excellent creative writing talent and some of it is basically me saying how nice everything was, depending on how deliriously tired I was when writing.

    So this trek was one of the main things I wanted to do in South America. National Geographic named Torres del Paine national park as the 5th most beautiful place in the world. Not bad!

    You can skip this next bit as it's more for me to document my admin faff...

    TDP has two main multi-day treks that people do. The first is the W trek which is usually 5 days (4 nights) and oddly enough in the shape of a W. The second is the O trek which is the W plus more places in the park to make it about 10 days long and somehow turns the W into an O shape.

    I had done some average to poor investigation and came to Buenos Aires believing I could book the free campsites along the W a few days in advance. I was told basically immediately by everyone in Rayuela that this year they have an online booking system and that all the campsites are booked until the end of February, and the only other option is to book refugios (read - hostel) which are $70000 dollars per night and they are booked up anyway.

    So I kind of resigned myself to just daytripping into TDP park. Then one day I sat down and by fluke found some free refugios which date aligned with each other (cancellations I guess) and this meant I could go. Hurrah! (bank account starts wailing)

    ...restart reading here!

    So the much awaited TDP walk has begun.

    DAY 1: Paine Grande to Grey

    Sat on the bus at Laguna Armada which is the first drop off for people who are going east to west to get the shuttle into the park. I have my map and I'm excited but nervous! This will be a new experience for me, hiking alone and over a few days with lots of things on my back. The first two days are a piece of cake but the last two are looooong and will involve very early wake ups I suspect.

    I saw a bit of Patagonian beauty this morning just on my walk from the hostel to the bus stop. The clouds were insane. I read somewhere that they look unusual because the wind is strong and pulls them (?)

    We got dropped off at Pehoe lake where a catamaran would take us across to our starting point. I realised that I had failed for day 1 and forgotten to bring a lunch with me so I spent an extortionate amount on a sandwich from a cafe. In the queue for the catamaran I chatted with Ilona, a girl from Seattle who I had first met in the hostel, and her friend Anna. The catamaran was cool cos I like boats and I like pretty scenery, basically.

    The first part of the trek was 4 hours ish from the catamaran drop off to refugio Grey, walking up towards a glacier. I sadly walked through lots of burnt trees. About 5 years ago someone set fire to something in the park by mistake and burned a ridiculous amount of it, the fire so big it jumped across a lake and continued to burn on the other side.

    I also went past quite a tall waterfall which was cool.

    Once I got to the refugio I decided to make a coffee to energise myself and then walk an extra hour and a half further to see the glacier more closely.

    I felt extremely competent and outdoorsy as I fired up the little gas stove I'd carried with me. To save weight I'd taken all my food packets out of their boxes and so I had little sachets of cereal, milk powder, coffee, potato powder etc. I added the milk to my coffee and started drinking. It tasted rough. I knew I shouldn't have got the cheapest milk powder, but who would have guessed it would make such a difference? I ploughed on regardless because I wanted the energy from the coffee. Halfway down the cup I discovered my coffee was turning solid and realised I'd used the mashed potato powder instead of milk powder.

    Energised by my mashed potato and coffee combo, and by my lack of enormous backpack, I whizzed up through beautiful forest along the trail. It was really green and fairy-glen-like with lots of the trees strangely having fallen over, or twisted around things, possibly due to the famous Patagonian wind? I came to two 20m high hanging bridges, one with a huge ladder up to it, with views of the glacier next to it. I tried to pass a guy on one of the bridges and it was a very slow and nervous pass in case one of us spontaneously shoved the other off the bridge or something.

    It was beautiful! I was buzzing. This amazing scenery is 100% worth the cost (thank god).

    Back at the refugio I had a weird evening. The refugio is kind of like a hotel with the common area being a restaurant rather than the usual kitchen or sofas of a hostel. It meant I felt quite isolated especially as I was doing my cooking in the campsite area but my sleeping in the refugio. I felt a bit inauthentic staying in a bed rather than a tent as well! Luckily I had two nice Korean boys in my dorm, Daniel and Darren, who told me about Seoul and how much they hated mandatory military service, and fed me biscuits.

    DAY 2

    I woke up at the leisurely hour of 8:30am and packed all my shiz, went to the campsite and fired up my surprisingly powerful burner, had a more normal tasting coffee and some cereal with powdered milk (it's actually fairly convincing) and then left my massive bag and went to have another but different look at the glacier. This time I went to the Grey Mirador (mirador=viewpoint). I ignored the trails and did quite a lot of scrambling around the rocks to get the best view I could of the two awesome icebergs/other mini glacier things. The first one was an archway of ice, almost looking like one side of the arch was meant to be a slide at a kids swimming pool, and was milky white and solid. The second was a less interesting shape but was all shades of blue, quite a deep blue at points, and looked as though it was trying to melt, made up of lots of different coloured blades horizontally crossing its body. I took lots of photos. I felt intrepid for reaching the water's edge.

    Something else that deserves a mention was the colour of the rock that I was climbing all over. It was BEAUTIFUL and almost as impressive if not more so than the glacier. It was shimmering, like mother of pearl, and loads of colours...purple, orange... in different patterns. Sadly my phone camera isn't good enough to capture this but they were definitely the best rocks I've ever seen! Nurd. I finally understand David's enthusiasm.

    I was only planning on spending half an hour there but ended up more like 1.5! I couldn't get enough of these amazing glacier shapes and the floating ice in the lake. I actually really appreciated the solitude to take this in and was in awe of nature, absolutely loving where I was.

    I headed back to the campsite to do the actual walking of the day.

    As the walk was identical to yesterday's (but backwards... heading back the way we had come) I was worried it could be a bit more difficult mentally to be walking alone, so I was lucky to bump into Ilana and Anna coming out of the campsite and we hiked together. :) They are both from the US and met each other at work, fundraising for the opera in Seattle.

    The walk back was...the same...but went quickly because of my buddies who are very lovely and also interesting people. We also bumped into the enthusiastic Germans who have hired a car and are sleeping in it and doing random day treks into the park.

    The refugio I arrived at is Refugio Paine Grande. It's less swanky than the last one but feels better to me because it has more of a hostel vibe. Also...I didn't realise but I get dinner, breakfast and a packed lunch here! Sweet. It's right on a lake which is very lovely and blue. I went to sit beside the lake and it promptly began raining. I thought I could stay dry by shoving myself into a bush which worked for a while but then I had to abandon ship. Soon off for dinner. Tomorrow I walk something like 25km with my enormous monster bag. I'm sure this will go well.

    Dinner was immense. 3 courses and meat and a salad! Met a girl from Switzerland who is on her second gap year and came to Chile to work for two months in Puerto Williams, which is the most southern city in the world and totally tiny and provincial, in a company selling helicopter rides to rich people. She didn't know any Spanish before she came so did a homestay for a month and then off she went to work with Chileans in the middle of nowhere- a city so isolated that they can't find enough people to work at the helicopter place because nobody in Chile is willing to go so far. Wow! So so brave and she must be about 20. I am so impressed.

    My roomie is from France and she has been to loads of places, all of them alone. She said I should be careful because she used to want to be surrounded by people constantly, but none of her friends like hiking so she hiked alone...Then the more she did the more she liked the solitude. Now when she is with people she feels she misses everything the world had to show us because everyone is talk talk talking. She only travels alone now despite having a group of friends as home. They all think she is crazy.

    Two very interesting people and perspectives this evening!


    Just went for amble around the lake and was stopped by a gaggle of middle aged men from... Huddersfield! One of them had overheard me talking to Lyn, the Swiss girl, and proceeded to spout lots of names of people who were around my age doing medicine in Leeds. And I actually knew one! I now feel excitable and a bit homesick, as one of them said, 'its impossible to escape Yorkshire folk'...Even when halfway round the world :P

    Pic 1 clouds leaving Puerto Natales
    Pic 2 glacier from distance
    Pic 3 ice archway
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  • Hari 26

    TDP D3 & 4

    3 Februari 2017, Cabai ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    D3: Paine Grande to Los Cuernos


    So today was an epic trek meant to include the much talked about Valle de Frances, where you hike up a valley to a viewpoint which makes the middle part of the W shape. Lots of people I've spoken to have talked about how beautiful it is without cloud, but when I woke up at 6am it was absolutely pissing it down. Oh well, that's the danger of the outdoors, maybe it'll clear up. Also one of my trekking poles spontaneously broke in the night, good.

    I had an enormous breakfast with nice coffee and nicer oatmeal, yum, and snaffled some for my lunch in napkins while some Americans watched me judgementally.

    So in total today I walked for 10 hours? Maybe 11. I left the refugio at 8am, marched enthusiastically in completely the wrong direction for 15 minutes, corrected myself and arrived at the next refugio at 7:30pm. And this was no stroll. I think I may have truly fucked my knee, and also my ankle, but boy was it worth it.

    After my accidental detour (where to be fair I got quite a good view of the lake and funny clicking moorhen type birds), me and the monster bag set off in the right direction, broken trekking pole sticking out dangerously to jab strangers.

    The first two hours was along a squelchy path alongside the mountains and a waterfall coming down off a glacier, through burnt trees standing silver and black, sometimes with pine-coloured life glimpsed in the trunk. It was no longer raining thank god but remained very cloudy, giving the impression of views concealed.

    I arrived at Italiano campsite and dumped my monster bag there (inside a bin bag as a stylish raincover) after some excellent effort Spanish communication with the park ranger. From here I would do the middle line of the W shape up to a mirador (viewpoint) looking back down Valle de Frances. It was a bit cloudy but hopefully I would still see something.

    I took about 2h to get up to the mirador, bumping into Lyn on the way but walking separately as I wanted to hike alone. The walk was mainly uphill through forest, alongside a glacial river scattered with various interesting holes, boulders and drops. The first part of the path was literally up a stream, with no way to get out of the stream onto the bank so I was actually walking in it. Thank god for waterproof boots!

    When I got to the mirador I found Lyn sitting on a boulder eating her sandwich and joined her. I couldn't see much as it was pretty cloudy. We discussed how the map indicated there might be a bit further to go but there was a big sign telling us that this was the end of the path. Someone had nailed a new description sign over the old one at the mirador and someone else had tried to prise it up. Three guys on the boulder opposite us ducked under the 'do not pass' tape crossing the path, and deciding that we weren't just going to sit there while the men had all the fun, Lyn and I waited a bit and then followed.

    The fading path crossed through some trees where I became Ray Mears and marked a cross with sticks to show us where to go on the way back. The way became steep and slippery with small rocks and sand like terrain, I guess they must have had some rockslides or something.

    It became harder and harder to climb as we headed up and up, but there did still seem to be remnants of a path as we hauled ourselves over boulders and pushed through spikey shrubbery. The landscape became moon-like and our end goal was the summit of this moon. It was pretty cool because I really felt we were up in the mountains rather than looking up at them from below. The clouds were clearing and it felt the 5 of us were on top of the park, with all the amazing scenery around us becoming clear; down the valley on one side, and on the other three were mountains. Two were funky shapes, almost rectangles!

    Scenery was great but I was slightly dying as it was so steep. We kept getting to false summits so Lyn and I decided to turn round as the ground was getting even more slidey with rocks and it was becoming a bit sketchy.

    This two hour detour meant we had to absolutely leg it down back to camp Italiano before the next trail closed. Basically ran down the valley, skipping over the rocks and occasionally peering at the view which now revealed blue lakes, islands and the mountains behind. It was sunny now and we were passing lots of people on their way up to the mirador. The glacier on the mountain next to us would occasionally thunder as a chunk fell off in the warmth.

    I hoped my bag-in-a-binbag hadn't been mistaken for actual rubbish and thrown away. Pleased to find it still there, I hauled it on, said goodbye to Lyn and off I plodded into the sunshine.

    I had to stop about 5m in to remove all my layers and met a middle aged couple who were also having a loooong day. I paused at a mirador to stare at the lagoons. I ate 10 biscuits. To my left is Los Cuernos, two huge cylindrical peaks. Behind me is a huge mountainside glacier, black and white. And to the right are the lagoons and their islands.

    This was a slow and calm walk. I was really enjoying it as the views were constantly unbelievable and the weather was so good. Then my biscuits absorbed and the sugar fired me into an excellent pace. The middle aged couple later remarked how quicky I whizzed off. Yay sugar.

    Birds swooped like darts in front of me, peeping, and I thought lots of weird I am alone thoughts like what I would do if my thumb suddenly amputated and what to wear to my cousin's wedding in 3 months' time.

    I reached a tropical beach scene. Whaaat?! It was on the side of the blue clear lake, a pebble beach with trees up to it, the water was oddly warm and the sun really hot. I literally felt like I was on a tropical island with a glacier behind me, and in my hiking boots. Ridiculous. I lay on the beach.

    When I finally arrived at my hostel I made my exciting pasta dinner with my dorm buddy, a French person who then gave me chocolate. The bunk beds were 3 bunks high which was exciting and made me feel I had the luxury of a much coveted lower bunk whilst actually in the middle of a bunkbed sandwich.

    I decided this is the most beautiful place I have been in my life. Today has had it all! I felt soppy as I fell asleep.

    Day 4: Los Cuernos to Torre Norte

    Today was notable for me being very tired and walking the 4.5 hours very slowly with hundreds of breaks and making it more like 5.5. It did start off more enthusiastically though with my now standard awe at the Xtreme beauty of the lake I would spend basically all day walking beside. I had a sit down and contemplate moment by some trees where I listed everything I could hear:

    I am also now officially over my heavy bag. I've gone from feeling cool and independent to whiney and injured, heaving it along with me and feeling like a cow or some kind of other cumbersome unglamorous animal. I have very small grazes on my collarbones where the straps go and I wear these like a badge proving my hardship.

    Today was soooo sunny all day long with no clouds at all. This made me hyper aware of dehydration so I kept filling and refilling my water bottle in the streams, then trying to pee in various spikey bushes without being seen. One of these loo stops had me squatting next to a bee hive which I only noticed mid-wee. Lots of stress ensued but I escaped unharmed apart from a bit of spikey leaf in my pants.

    Now I am in my final refugio, Torres Norte, and after escaping from my dorm mate (in his mid 30s and mentioned various stories about being drunk 5 times in our 10 minute conversation) I caved and bought a monster chocolate tart and diet coke for £10. No regrets and I will be wrapping some of the tart up for tomorrow's final day, which will be a long and early one. The forecast is cloud but we will see. Today has been a true summer's day.

    I'm now so full from the chocolate tart that I may have my delicious powdered mash and pasta sauce combination another day. Shame.

    (I didn't have it another day. I had it that evening and the mashed potato brought back memories of the dreaded coffee mistake).
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  • Hari 28

    TDP D5

    5 Februari 2017, Cabai ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Day 5

    Today I wake at 5am to leave as soon as it gets light, as another poor organisation call means that I have to walk an extra hour and a half on the end of my day that most people get a shuttle for. Yay!

    Admittedly the sunrise over the mountains is quite nice.

    The walk was largely uphill and as I went up I met people who had gone up to the peak (the Torres) for sunrise, something I couldn't do as my refugio was too far away for me to be happy walking 5h uphill in the dark with pumas about. I got jelly as the weather had been amazing for a sunrise with no clouds, and one of the groups of people I bumped into contained all my newly met hiking friends.

    I kind of ran up the steep last bit as I could see clouds coming in and threatening to obscure the Torres. I bumped into my middle aged couple buddies who had tried to get there for sunrise but missed it by 20 mins :(

    Luckily I made it up before clouds ruined everything and it was breeaaauuttfiylll (can't even spell it in my enthusiasm).

    The photo describes it better than words can.

    I had a soppy moment walking up there as I saw yet another lovely view down a valley and felt strongly that Katia was next to me (obviously not literally). I got a bit emosh. At the Torres I made little stone piles for Katia and Emily and had a nice Remembering Moment for each of them. I think both of them would appreciate the view.

    I got back to the refugio and lay on the ground listening to the last of my cheerful audio book about a doctor dying of lung cancer. A classic holiday read.

    On the way back I had to walk a bit further along a horrible dusty road without a view because another solid organisation call meant I didn't time my buses properly. Luckily I accidentally hitchhiked while standing to let a private bus past and he picked me up and took me! While waiting for the actual bus I had a long conversation with a computer scientist guy from Venezuela. I got home and had a shower. I was tired. I fell asleep.
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  • Hari 30

    Lazy days and penguins

    7 Februari 2017, Cabai ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    So I spent the whole of Monday having an official...

    It was excellent. I stayed in PJs until 12, video called people, ate and watched Netflix, only venturing out to buy the food and once for about 5 minutes to look at the crazy beautiful colours of the clouds and sky.

    When I first got back to Kiooshtem after the trek someone was hovering around behind me at reception, I turned around and it was Brian, a Swiss guy who I first met in Rayuela hostel in BA! Such random coincidence, was really nice to see him again.

    After the lazy day and a yummy hostel breakfast during which an Israeli guy told Brian and I a dramatic story about his heart being broken by a girl he had met on the plane two weeks prior, with a grave warning to Brian never to fall for Israeli girls because they are beautiful but evil inside, I said goodbye and headed off to Punta Arenas.

    Punta Arenas has very little to do but was basically where I would be getting a plane out of Patagonia, and to fill the time I paid lots of money to go and see some penguins, and went to a terrible museum with stuffed animals and hundreds of unexplained knicknacks. The penguin island was cool as there are a ridiculous number there, the island is called Magallen island and the penguins are magallenic penguins (of course). The moment when the ferry ramp fell down to reveal about 500 penguins was pretty cool and made me temporarily into an excitable child. The ferry there, however, was loooong and boring. I ate a whole packet of biscuits and the sugar buzz was so dramatic that I didn't fall asleep that night until 2:30am. I met a French guy who was working as a Patissiere in Puerto Natales to get some more travel funds, despite no experience (he's an engineer); perhaps the fact he is French and thus assumed to be a patisserie expert landed him the job?! I wonder what I would be hired for. Possibly weather woman.

    I realised I've lost lots of my clothes in all my hostel shuffling. Sad.

    Now another day of travel to less expensive areas I hope. Off to Isla de grande Chiloe today.

    1,2- penguins
    3- stuffed fox
    4- Empanada behind the bus terminal in Puerto Montt waiting for my bus to Chiloe
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  • Hari 36

    Isla Grande de Chiloe

    13 Februari 2017, Cabai ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    So now I have come to Isla de Grande Chiloe, which is very different from Patagonia!

    Firstly it has been warm and sunny.

    So Chiloe is Chile's second largest island and is on the west coast. It's considered to have quite a different culture to the rest of Chile and a different type of countryside as it rains much more here than in the rest of Chile. It has a strong mythological history which draws on influences from the Hulliche people who lived on the island. One of the gods that Chiloe historically believes in is a female God who lives in the sea and seduces cows. Of course.

    As I was crossing on the ferry to Ancud, my first stop, and the sun was shining, I was reminded of crossing to the Isle of Wight on the passenger ferry! Strange. This was accentuated when the bus drove past fields and trees on the way to Ancud from the ferry port, very English scenery greeting me- apart from the sunshine and occasional colourful house.

    The hostel I stayed at in Ancud was called Los 13 Lunas and was super nice, massive beds, all wooden interior, a terrace looking out to the sea, a garden with hammocks and a slack line, and a barbecue area! For the first evening I wandered around Ancud a little bit, bought some food. I walked along the sea front and watched the sun set. It was beautiful and really peaceful. I felt super relaxed and like I was on a holiday.

    The next day I decided I wanted company for the day as I had spent a lot of Punta Arenas alone, and basically surprised a random girl at breakfast into joining me in my exploring. Her name is Paulina from Berlin and she was great. We went to a church museum which shows all the different churches as little models and how they are joined together, and a museum of Ancud which was in Spanish but still very good. There are somethig like 14 churches in Chiloe that are UNESCO protected, all made of wood slotted together in various ways. It's actually super impressive.

    We then wandered around to a beach, up to a fort that isn't a fort, and I got interviewed for some kind of local TV show, requested to be in English (phew). Paulina threw me at them when they asked for the interview and pretended she didn't speak English despite being fluent. Great. It was a bit cringe. I imagine I am now famous in Chiloe and everyone will be asking me to sign their underwear etc.

    I spent some time lazing in the hammock and then had a terrible dinner of chicken sausages (I have literally no idea why I bought these) and pasta, its terribleness accentuated by a group cooking an entire sea bass stuffed with exciting things next to me.

    Some people barbecued downstairs and ate macaroni cheese really late while I joined them, stealing bits to make up for my chicken sausage nightmare earlier. We went out to a club playing the dreaded reggaeton music. This is the music that is played everywhere in Argentina and Chile and is impossible to explain but is basically awful. A notable part of the evening was when Paulina tried to find the club whilst in the club- because she's from Berlin she thought we must be in just the bar and surely the club must be upstairs or something.

    The next day I won at hangovers. I got the bus to Castro with the monster bag after reading on the sea front for a bit waiting for it. After checking into the hostel I wandered around the town, ate some super oily and good churros filled with dulce de leche, gained 5kg immediately, checked out the main square and UNESCO wooden church- which was super cool inside and a cheerful yellow on the outside- and went to look at the palifitos and have a coffee in one of them. It reminded me even more of the Isle of Wight, looking out of the windows onto the water. The cafe was tiny and cool with lots of random cacti in the windows and a big sofa. I had my new fave thing, a cortado, and felt fancy as I flicked through a book on Van Gogh.

    The day after I went to a local festival/fete in Nutoco. This was so great as it was basically all locals or people visiting from other parts of Chile on their holidays. They had stalls selling the classic Chilote 'artesan' items which are all made of wool, stalls selling traditional and local foods, a little stage where they played the accordion and performed traditional dances and dragged the audience up to dance in pairs on stage, and a games area filled with old wooden games like stilts and skipping. Me and a French girl called Marine from the hostel ate Curanto (a ridiculous pile of clams/chicken/pork/mussels), a type of bread (made by mashing up potato, flattening it and spinning it on a huge rolling pin above a fire), and I had 'mote con huesillo' which was peach juice and grains drank/eaten with a spoon and was completely up my street food/drink wise.

    We watched an apple squisher make apple juice with an insane enormous wooden contraption. Afterwards we went to check out the local town, Conchi, which was nice enough.

    The next day I headed on my tod to Achao, a town on an island off the island of Chiloe :P It was pretty small and by the sea. My first issue was how insanely desperate I was for the loo and I accidentally saw most of the town in the first ten minutes while I frantically looked for a toilet. The Spanish words for left and straight ahead are basically the same, which meant I couldn't find a bathroom for aaages and considered a classic behind-a-tree pee...but luckily didn't have to resort to this.

    I wandered around the beach for a bit looking at the fishing boats and accidentally fed a small stray dog some cheese from my lunch. It then became my dog buddy for the next half hour. You don't need to own a dog in South America because all the dogs are your dog.

    I then got back on the bus to Dalcahue. It is still a mystery to me how you pronounce this. I saw a sign for a garlic festival which further cemented in my mind that this is the Chilean Isle of Wight. The town is nice with lots of artesanaries and sun and boats on the sea. I went into a coffee shop and one of the people I'd met in the Ancud hostel was in there! We had coffee and I stole his cake. Fwends!

    My last night was a bit weird. I had this idea to camp in the national park and do a long walk one day and visit Las Amuellos, which is basically a wooden pier that everyone seems to go mad for, the next. After I got to the park, set up the tent and set off I was absolutely exhausted- serious fatigue set in. I got to an epic beach about 1k from the tent with huge crashing waves and a long desolate shore. I then lay down and slept for an hour. Then I got kind of randomly annoyed and booked a hostel in Puerto Varas for the next night. That evening was lovely as I ate dinner on a pontoon looking out onto a lake, and wandered through easy paths in the trees for an hour and a half or so. They were peaceful as the groups from the daytrips had all gone home.

    My plan to go to Los Amuellos also failed as I just could not get up. Its TOTM so maybe I am bleeding out all my energy (sorry). Anyway I guess I will have another little amble about and then get the bus back. Not been a total failure but not exactly what I planned!

    1- Ancud
    2- melodramatic Jesus
    3- church in Castro
    4- palafitos in Castro
    5- Dalcahue
    6- a pile of wood and puppies in Dalcahue
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  • Hari 38

    Puerto Varas

    15 Februari 2017, Cabai ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    After Chiloe I headed to Puerto Varas, a town from which you can go walking etc. around the Chilean Lakes District. The forecast was rain rain and also rain. Joyous.

    I decided to say 'fuck you weather' and crack on with my plans regardless, which led to a near-drowning experience on a rental bike when I ended up lost in a monsoon. It was raining so heavily that I couldn't use my mobile to look at a map, because the screen thought that the raindrops were fingers typing commands. My waterproof trousers and jacket became saturated and from then on served only as fashion items. I was cycling round the edge of the lake to Frutillar, a town created by German settlers which has lots of German style architecture and signs for Kuchen. The first part of the route was a bumpy stone road which was so muddy but satisfying because I had a mountain bike that just bounced over the stones without major issue. I was originally only going to cycle halfway to Frutillar, but the weather changed to normal-level rain and then the rain actually stopped so I thought I better carry on if only to dry off a bit. The whole trip was about 60km and I spent a very quick hour in Frutillar because I had to get the bike back for a certain time. I had cake and coffee and legged it around the town, the most notable things being the unusual architecture and a nice pier into the lake.

    Back at the hostel I met an Israeli girl who was very nice but spent half an hour talking to me about how people have masculine and feminine energies and we must listen to the feminine energies and eat certain foods at certain points in our menstrual cycle, etc. I did lots of vacant nodding.

    I was very upset to find that I had been moved from the ultimate travellers' goal of the coveted bottom bunk to a top one where the ceiling was 1 foot from my face and I had to do yoga-esque poses to get into it without knocking the ceiling light. The girl opposite me hit her head 3 times in the half an hour that we were reading in bed!

    The next day I met up with none other than Carmen, who had disorganisedly made her way to Puerto Varas from El Bolson the previous night without booking a hostel and ended up spending loads of money on an emergency airbnb. Classic Carmen. I met with her and two friends she had made in El Bolson, a French girl and a Swiss German guy, and we went on an adventure to the national the rain. Our first stop off was a waterfall which was quite cool and powerful but super touristy. We wandered around the area and found some lagoons and bits of river which were much quieter and much nicer because of it. The water was really clear and all the lush greenery surrounding the pools, even the rain, made it really atmospheric and led to lots of group selfies and mini videos of us jumping, throwing large rocks into the water in an attempt to take arty pictures of the splash, etc. The lagoons were the archetypal fairy glen.

    Afterwards we accidentally hitchhiked to the next place just down the road, which was a large lake and beach area, by this point it was monsoon-level-rain again. Stefano had done a joke effort to hitchhike with a comedy lunge which had worked immediately, though I think the driver thought it was just him, but he coped well with four of us and crammed us all into three seats of his little truck and then had to put his friend in the boot (who he was picking up later). We spent quite a long time in a cafe waiting for the rain to stop then decided to just go for it and had a brief amble around the beach, chatting to an Argentinian guy and trying to take more arty photos of each other on a wonky pontoon over the lake. The lake probably was absolutely insanely beautiful in nice weather and was pretty beautiful in bad weather, with turquoise blue water and jagged, toothy, tree covered hills that looked like they should be in South East Asia.

    When 'chatting' to the Argentinian guy I remembered how much easier it is to understand people from Argentina compared to Chile. In Chile everyone shortens words, uses slang and speaks at 100 miles an hour. I met someone from Madrid who said he cannot understand Chileans. However, people from Buenos Aires have a weird dialect where they pronounce 'll' and 'y' as a 'sh' noise. So normally galleta (biscuit) is pronounced gayeta in Spanish but people from Buenos Aires say gasheta. Muy complicado!

    Our journey back was eventful as our little local bus began spewing out black smoke from the gearbox area and we had to evacuate into the pissing rain as everyone was choking. Everyone immediately started smoking which didn't seem the best idea to me, and the driver began pouring everyone's bottles of water into the area the smoke was coming from. Stefano took a selfie with every passenger and the smokey bus and then we hitchhiked back before everyone else got the same idea.

    That evening I practiced my Spanish with a Chilean guy on the sofa in the hostel and watched Into the Wild. My Spanish practice basically involved me monologuing and then not understanding his replies/questions.

    The next day was a lovely rest morning where I wandered around the town and went to a great museum slash art gallery. It is owned by Pablo Fierro who seems to paint pictures of houses and birds. The house is really interesting with lots of wonky ceilings and odd staircases. The artist has put lots of random items all over the house and stuck postcards on which people had written comments for him all over the walls and ceiling. The artist himself was upstairs painting something. I tried to take a photo without him noticing and looked like a creepy stalker hiding behind things.

    Off I went to Pucon.

    1- soggy lake on trip out with Carmen and co, and attempt at new pose (defo works)
    2- museum
    3- ridiculous bed
    4- wet bike ride
    5- pier in Frutillar
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  • Hari 43


    20 Februari 2017, Cabai ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    I've divided up Pucon as I did quite a lot and also have some good pics (more than the 6 allowed per post).

    I arrived in Pucon after a 4.5 hour bus journey and many episodes of Crazy Ex Girlfriend to the 'number 1 best hostel' in South America. It was a bit manic when I first arrived, it seemed very busy and I wasn't especially in the mood to socialise so I made dinner and hopped around the 3 kitchen/eating areas to find wi-fi. I conceded to a small amount of socialising which then evolved into drinking games with one of the groups I was talking to, at which point I pretended I was going to get my wine but instead went to hide in an optimal wi-fi corner and went to bed. Wild!

    The next morning I enjoyed my first bowl of cereal in a while as breakfast is not included here, and met the Greg, who is Austrian and works with hotels, and is a great personality because he comes across as fairly serious and introspective but then you realise that actually hes a secret sweetie.

    I went to a welcome meeting from the hostel owner to explain all the things to do in Pucon, which is basically an outdoors centre masquerading as a town. I became overwhelmed with all the excellent sounding options and immediately booked another night and accepted that I would be haemorrhaging money here.

    One thing that everyone in my hostel was very keen to do was climb the volcano that dominates the sky over the town. It last erupted in 2015 and is South America's most active volcano. Unfortunately it had not actually been seen for the last few days because of cloud cover and rain. We would have to wait. Luckily waiting here is easy. I went about spending my cash.

    My first activity was the same day- hydrospeeding. I was a bit concerned this might be a shit version of kayaking but at 100,000 pesos I was struggling to justify spending the money on kayaking and this would get me at least splashed in the face for 20,000 instead. The rain had made some bouncy rapids and off we went at 6pm, concerned about being cold until we were squeezed into our ridiculously thick wetsuits and started flapping around like seals holding foam boards. Carmen was staying in another cheaper hostel and joined me, a German girl called Heike and a pair of brothers from South Carolina. It was actually pretty fun even when I got calf cramp halfway down a rapid and a sexy rash from the wetsuit.

    That evening the hydrospeeding gang minus Carmen but plus an awesome girl from Colorado called Jen went to a bar and I sampled my first and maybe last Terremoto.

    'TERREMOTO - Pipeño (a type of sweet fermented wine) with pineapple ice-cream. Terremoto literally translates as 'Earthquake' since you are left with the ground (and legs) feeling very shaky.'

    It was the sweetest thing ever.

    The next day Jen, Heike and I went hiking to a waterfall, or 'salto'. This was billed by the hostel as a bit of a special secret waterfall and they had made an artistic homemade map for us to follow to find it. The first half of the walk was along main roads and the second part up a very steep dusty non scenic road. We managed to get bits and bobs of lifts from locals and Chilean holiday makers. Jen had decided she could do the walk in flip flops and white shorts. We wandered into some woods and promptly got very lost.

    I later found out that everyone in the hostel who had done this walk had done exactly the same thing as us. Doh!

    So we literally slid down this ridiculous path that retrospectively was NOT a path, just the wrong way that had been forged by many others before us. It was unbelievably steep and muddy from all the rain over the previous days. We got wrapped in vines. We had to bum slide to avoid death by falling. Jen's white shorts met their end and she ended up barefoot as there was no chance for her flip flops. Heike cracked on at the front and earned the nickname 'sturdy German'. We made it down to the river, tried to walk along it to get to the waterfall but then had to turn back and go back up the whole way because there was no chance. At the top we quickly found a pretty obvious correct route.

    The waterfall was luckily very pretty once we actually found it, and satisfyingly tall. One of the cars that had given us a lift took pity on us as we were so muddy and by this point I had a scrape from a tree on my leg that was bleeding and adding to the general patheticness. Good adventure.

    The next day I went horse riding for basically the first time ever. I have a suspicious relationship with horses normally as they're a bit kicky and toothy. I also fell off one when i was about 7 and ended up sat in the mud which I (wrongly or rightly) blame the horse for. We were allocated our horses and initially mine, Sombra (meaning shadow, because she is black I guess) didn't listen to me at all and just did what she wanted...eating grass, randomly speeding up, mini jumping over streams. Despite me kicking and generally trying to boss her about she completely ignored me. She also had a problem with one of the other horses in the group following a previous tiff over a male horse, so she couldn't walk ahead or behind of this horse in case they kicked off at each other. One of the other horses in the group was a bit angsty too and needed to be in front at all times. Sombra tried to overtake him at one point which led to a scuffle and me being a bit freaked out when Sombra legged it sideways into a tree. However after a while we eased into a fairly sensible relationship of at least understanding if not mutual respect. She even nuzzled my hand at the end. We walked with the horses through the countryside, up and down the hills, getting my first view of the picture perfect volcano. Previously I'd done a lot of pointing at various small slopes and questioning whether these were the volcano. I realised how wrong I'd been as now i was seeing the volcano I was realising it was CLASSIC volcano.

    It was interesting learning to trust the footing of the horses and realising that they may slide in the mud but they are still way more controlled than we would be on our feet.

    1- hydrospeeding (l-r Heike, carmen, me, grey and will)
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  • Hari 43


    20 Februari 2017, Cabai ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    The next day was a Beach Day with Jen and an English girl we met on the lakeside black 'sand' beach of Pucon (read: tiny hurty stones). Had a swim and when I looked back to the beach I realised how rammed the beach was! After this I sat in the bar with a beer and watched the sunset over the lake with my hostel pals.

    The kitchen here is great because it's clean (ha shock). It's nice because there's a little separate cabin with some dorms in and we have our own separate kitchen away from the hostel riff raff. Its like having a little family kitchen as not many of us use it. I've actually started making an effort with my food now. Breakfast every day is porridge with apple and banana, and some of Greg's delicious jam.

    The next day was the much awaited volcano. There had been quite a bit of hype and hanging around from hostel buddies waiting to do the volcano which meant I actually had lost some enthusiasm for it strangely. However all my grumping was in error cos it was excellent.

    We woke up really early (5am bleurgh!) to meet the guides in the courtyard of the hostel and faff around with kit. They give you a soggy canvas backpack filled with random items to be used later and also you have to wear the boots they provide, as they're more solid and better for walking on snow and ice with. This led to quite a bit of faffing to work out sizes, particularly from me as queen of faff. Then we hopped into a minibus which was cracking out some absolute tunes and whizzed up to the volcano, reaching our start point (which is already pretty high up) just in time for sunrise. It was beautiful and you could see so far, to the lake of Pucon and a number of other tall peaks and volcanoes, clouds and amazing morning colours.

    The group had the option to take a chairlift partway up, for the first hour of walking, so we divided into two. Obviously I wasn't a wimp and did the extra walking. It wasn't especially far. My group contained Grey, the American guy who I went hydrospeeding with; a guy from Norway who is Alastair's twin as he is really tall and skinny and possibly gay, and who found me really amusing (understandable), a German couple and a couple from England who I had actually first met in the hostel in Torres Del Paine and had randomly turned up at my hostel in Pucon. We were a good crew.

    I really enjoy goal achieving in the outdoors in a group and this fulfilled all those criteria. Halfway up the volcano we got to the glacier which was quite snowy rather than icy thankfully, and the guides showed us how to walk using the ice picks and how to ram them into the ice if we were to fall and slide away. We decided we didn't need a break as we are team awesome and to crack on, but unfortunately a combination of the heat and lack of water break and altitude made us all very regretful and whiney quite quickly. The guides decided to call me Inglaterra or England rather than use my actual name for some reason, my usual blind enthusiasm amusing them.

    Anyway we got to the top after a little bit of altitude wooziness and immediately forgot about our complaints. I had no prior expectations of the volcano top because a guy from the hostel, Hussain, who had done it a few days prior, told me not to look at any photos. It was so cool! The colour of the crater rock was really interesting and apparently created by the sulphur billowing out of the pinhole that was the volcano. The gas was so cool and i didn't realise that the volcano would be belching so much of this thick, hot, rippling and nose burning gas out. We even got some spitting of lava. Everyone took dorky selfies with gas masks on (which did basically nothing useful). The view was also excellent of all the other volcanoes and nearly 360 degrees of the whole area.

    The fun wasn't over yet! We scrambled down from the crater and ate our lunches sat in the snow. I'd brought so much food as I'd learned from Kili that the way to beat altitude is food and water to excess. We combined again with the chairlift half of our team and all kitted up with the gear in our bags, sort of like fisherman's protective gear with a plastic circular sled thing. We looked great. We then literally slid down the volcano in the snow either on our bums or on the sleds in grooves that had been hollowed out. We went past a chairlift which had been destroyed in the 1970s by an eruption and just left as a huge concrete structure halfway up the volcano. The last part of the walk involved kind of skiing down the volcanic ash to the bottom, again similar terrain to kili. We were all desperate for a pee when we got down and when we got back to the hostel all had a beer.

    It was absolutely awesome.

    I had a huge burger out and got on my 12h bus to Valparaiso... and was so tired I slept for 7 hours! Winner.

    1- Lisa in stylish gear
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  • Hari 48


    25 Februari 2017, Cabai ⋅ 🌫 18 °C

    Yesterday I arrived in Valparaiso on a fun overnight bus during which I actually managed to sleep 7 hours with frequent wake ups to un-deaden a limb.

    Valparaiso is actually apparently the third most populated city in Chile. It has been billed to me as:


    So I wasn't really sure what to expect! But so far I love it.

    The town centre is by a port on the flat and then the rest of the housing and shops/bars rise up on .... Hills, with various staircases and elevators and funiculars, plus buses and teams, to try and ease the pain of getting back up to your house once you are down. Apparently the Valparaisians only go down into town once a day and if they forget something they just put it off until tomorrow because it's such a painful task. There is a lot of street art absolutely everywhere and the houses are really colourful. Some are UNESCO protected. Apparently locals used to take half empty discarded tins of paint from the docks to paint their houses and they were always bright colours so that the boats could be seen, which means the houses can be seen as well.

    My first task was shopping and I found out the joy of matching up hundreds of steps in the blazing heat with a backpack full of food trying to stop people from being able to see up my skirt.

    I then saw Andy from BA who is in my hostel here which is nice (fwend) and went off to a free walking tour that afternoon with a girl from the hostel. The tour was good and involved free wine, explanations of the graffiti and a bit about the area, and a free Alfajor following us awkwardly having to crowd around a door like school kids and shout 'buenos tardes senior' at a man who sells them. Gimmicky!

    Afterwards a different girl from the tour and I bought some earrings and went on a fishing boat which loads up with tourists and takes you on a jaunt around the port for 3000 pesos. We went past sealions and between the orange lifejackets of all the people on our clearly overloaded boat you could also see warships and cargo boats being loaded up as we passed. It was ace. You also got an idea of the size of Valparaiso. One of the boat guys stood at the front chattering away in Spanish and hugely entertaining the other tourists as everyone kept bursting into random laughter.

    Valp used to be a massive major port but then the Panama canal opened and this stopped that.

    That evening the girls I had met on the tour were off to have a BBQ then a night out. I felt a sense of duty towards the other people at my own hostel so headed back for dinner. Afterwards Andy, a really lovely girl from the US who had been at the hostel for something like 10 days already, a funny Irish couple and I all sat on the terrace drinking wine. The Irish couple were absolutely storming through their box and Andy had to go and buy us another couple of bottles so the three of us could​ try to match them. We decided to go out but the Irish couple decided to stay behind which was definitely for the best as the girl almost fell over saying goodbye to us. They were comedy gold. Off we marched with a couple of the people from the hostel to a club by the cargo ship loading dock. The club had an open area at the top and you could look across to them loading up the cargo ships. It was hard to get an idea of the scale of this until we saw a lorry pootling alongside it all, a full sized lorry that looked minute in comparison to the ship and its enormous containers. The night was an electronic night and was average save for the fact that i met someone who went to Challoners and lived in Amersham, which is strange considering we are in Chile.

    The next day was a hangover day but I managed to get myself out of the hostel by 2 to have an amble about. The good thing about cities is that you can still have good lazy days! There is so much wall art here. Every turn I take I come across more and more painted on the walls, steps, coloured glass and tiles embedded into the pavement, a park covered in mosaic patterns. I walked up to the cultural centre at the top of one of the many hills. The cultural centre used to be a political prison where Pinochet's government tortured many people deemed to be against Pinochet. It is now a cultural centre with spaces for meetings and theatre, surrounding a park where people meet for various activities or to chill in the day. When i was there it looked like some kind of new baby club was going on, lots of parents with small.babies gathered around stands of bananas and a woman with a microphone saying things i didn't understand.

    In the evening I watched about 100 episodes of TV in bed and it was excellent.

    The next day I felt like I was settling into the hostel more (it usually takes a couple of nights and as my last hostel was so good it was a bit harder to settle here than usual). Having said that the hostel is only £9 a night with an enormous rooftop terrace with a 270 degree view, a free to use washing machine and a 'buy 3 nights get one free' policy, so it's hard not to like.

    I went for a walk with a mission to see sea lions. It was super sunny and quite a long walk but worth it to see the blobby roar slugs that were the sea lions. They were all hanging out on a kind of concrete pontoon and you could clamber across the rocks to see them from not too far off. There were loads all crammed on, occasionally one would fall off and another would leap on quite impressively up a slanted concrete side. There were frequent roar fights between the huge males who would wave their heads at each other as the ladies lazed about. I then continued along the coastline to a super full beach with a stinky fish market and crashing waves. On the way back to the hostel i stopped to queue for what i had been told was one of the best ice creams ever. My tiramisu ice cream was worth the queue and frantic translating via phone app of the various flavours. It was totally delish.

    That evening the guy from Amersham (Jack) who I had met on the night out moved to our hostel at the recommendation of Lisa, who had left.

    After a tasty meal of scrambled-egg-with-all-sorts-of-additions, me, Andy, Jack and Jessica headed out a to a bar where we drank wine and watched a man dressed as a clown leaving a car and dancing around and some people longboarding. We then had a really long serious wine induced chat about palliative care, death and the American healthcare system. Cheerful!

    The next day Andy and I headed to Concon, a beach town near Valparaiso, known for having some dunes which you can sandboard down. We rattled our way through Vina del Mar, which is like Valpo's shiny cousin (white buildings, very clean, no graffiti) on the little collectivo bus which you flag down anywhere you want and takes you wherever for a fixed price of 1600. The dunes at Concon were cool but super random as they were right next to the main road. Luckily you could sandboard in the opposite direction towards the sea to avoid squishy by cars. The sandboards were ridiculously cheap and marching up to the top of the dunes was seriously hard work, especially in the heat, as the sand completely filled my canvas plimsolls and began to burn my feet. However it was worth it as the sandboarding itself was so fun! I was relatively controlled and if i went too fast would just fall off purposely but Andy had a few face plant wipe outs into the sand, the most spectacular being on the way back down at the end where he was trying to show off and nearly broke himself slamming into the ground. I did a thumbs up from the top of the dune to check he was ok and it took a good few minutes to receive a reply. We were totally covered in sand by the end, including it plastered over our faces and eyebrows, so we handed back our boards and went for a long walk to the sea with crashing waves where we washing machined the sand off, then a cafe for waffles, fruit salad, ice cream and pisco sours.

    When we got back we grabbed Jack and headed off down the hills to the supermarket where we productively divided into a serious BBQ food buying team then sweated our way back up the hill. Jess joined and the four of us cooked a great steak meal which was added to by everybody's weird food leftovers: half an onion, a bell pepper, a teeny tiny avocado. I got food preparation love of the gang joy. Andy and I did a good sauce exchange/compromise for our steak sauce. Jack was in charge of the barbecue and had angst over whether the meat would poison us all. I felt super glee. We set out our amazing meal on the terrace with red wine and beer. We had good conversation and the steak was excellent.

    The next day I headed off to Santiago.
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  • Hari 53

    Tengo un resfrio

    2 Maret 2017, Cabai ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Santiago can be summed up very easily:

    - nice hostel, fancy neighbourhood, old but big house, I want to buy it, me Andy and Jack all stayed there
    - met a German motorcycling across SA all sponsored in exchange for a few meagre blog posts
    - insane hostel dog who will stop at nothing to eat everything, including plastic bottles and tissues
    - tuve un resfrio
    - Spanish lessons where I started learning past tense (see above), hurrah!
    - watched a film about aliens
    - literally did not explore Santiago in any way
    - barbecue, dog spent half an hour licking the grill BEFORE we used it
    - a mosquito bit me on the chin. You will understand the huge potential for temporary disfigurement this gives me.

    Simples! Off to San Pedro.
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