Hanging out in Albuquerque

Today was Sunday and it was a day of rest. We hung out at Fran and Andy’s house. Early in the morning watched the balloons rise from the back yard. For the afternoon we watched football games andRead more
Today was Sunday and it was a day of rest. We hung out at Fran and Andy’s house. Early in the morning watched the balloons rise from the back yard. For the afternoon we watched football games andRead more
Woke up way before dawn to return to the Balloon Fiesta to see the mass ascension of the balloons. Although warmer than the day before, it was still freezing outside. The hand and feet warmers came inRead more
Early wake up at 3am to catch the 4am bus to the Balloon Fiesta. It was freezing outside and everyone bundled up in layers. We also used hand and feet warmers. We saw the Morning Glow, Special ShapeRead more
Blake joined Lee, Sean, and I to see Tent Rocks and hiked narrow passageways through the slot canyons all the way to the top. Following our hiking we returned to rest up then out to dinner withRead more
In the morning drove to Bosque Del Apache Wildlife Refuge and went searching for wildlife to photograph. Lunch was in Socorro at an authentic Mexican Restaurant. From there it was onto Albuquerque toRead more
In the morning there were wonderful clouds in the sky so we went back to White Sands to take more photos. We hiked the hills to find pristine dunes without foot traffic. Next we drove to OrganRead more
Could not go to White Sands in the morning due to government misspelled testing, so went to Pistachioland for a tour and some tastes. In the afternoon went to White Sands to see the gypsum dunes. WeRead more
Carlsbad Caverns exploration then drove to Almagordo, NM
Woke up early, returned the rental car, and flew from Portland, Oregon to Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
This was our day for discovering waterfalls and found Multnomah Falls. Spanning two tiers it is the tallest waterfall in Oregon at 620 feet. We went to see the Bonneville Dam, explored Cascade Locks,Read more