  • Dag 9

    Caherdaniel to Sneem

    16. august 2017, Irland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    During this night the rain drops where clattering against the window with force and there was strong wind. All our fears seemed to come true. But as the morning broke in the wind was weaker and the rain nearly stopped. After the Irish breakfast, we got out, guess wha,t it was still dry. But it only took the first 2 km to began raining and didn't stop until we arrived. The path wasn't too boggy, but there was dense fog all around us. From time to time, we were greeted by a pair of lambs. The only people we met was a belgian couple we had already met several days before.

    After a rather fast walk of about 4,5 hours, we arrived in Sneem, a small town. Sneem is knows for the visits of General De Gaulle, the former french President. There is a commemoration monument at one of the main places.
    The meaning of Sneem is knot. In the middle of Sneem is a bridge, that ties together both halves of Sneem. This is one of the numerous origins of the name.

    We then arrived at our final destination of today, which was the Sneem Hotel, a big hotel with luxury accommodation. It felt a bit unusual to arrive here after all the stays in B&B's.
    Les mer