  • Jour 164


    30 novembre 2019, Monténégro ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    We have returned from our couple of days on the coast in Budva and it has been a challenging time after the earthquake and dozens of aftershocks. The earthquake hit Albania (Durres and Tirana where we were a week ago) but we were close enough to wake up at 4am with the bed shaking us from side to side, the building groaning and furniture rattling, on our 3rd floor apartment. This city was flattened by an earthquake in 1979 and you can see how frightened many of the locals are. The aftershocks are still coming and I was woken again by one last night.
    We are experts at judging the severity of each tremor on the richter scale by seeing how much our underwear is swaying on the drying rack!
    The first one was 6 days ago now and it is a very sad situation with more than 50 casualties and hundreds of buildings destroyed.
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