  • Dag 100

    Action in the mountains

    6 februari 2017, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Baños was great and full of adrenalin! I chose a hostel which had the view over the river and mountains. As I looked out the window I saw that they do bungee jumping from the bridge.
    So I knew immediately where to go next! :D
    Wow it was really great to jump and as the people where so impressed that I just jumped they offered me a second one but backwards! I really loved it, that feeling when you're standing on the abyss (Abgrund) and then the free fall, just amazing. 😍
    After that I staid a while on the bridge, enjoyed the screams from the falling people and talked with the "working" people. They offered me a bike day for 5 Dollars. Normally it costs 5 for the bike plus 20 for the guide. But as it is always the same that when you stay and talk you can have a lot for a lot cheaper. ;-)
    After this gain I went to the hot thermal to relax my body after so many adrenalin. But I thought it's more natural. Sadly it was like a swimming pool and fuuuull of people. So I dind't stay for a long time and went on the streets to get food. There I saw a "Swiss Restaurant", it was funny how they designed it. :P
    After the big but cheap meal I went exhausted in the bed.
    The while next day I spent on the bicycle. 🚲
    I saw a lot of nice waterfalls and drove for 20 minutes down a mountain. (Up I got with a car hehehehhe). But hey I took some hard ways which where really slippery and super steep (steil). I smutched the bike a lot. 😄
    Then I had to decide if I want to go climbing the next day or continue my travel. I thought it's better to continue and save some money. ;-)
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