Baños de Agua Santa

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    • Day 23

      Cheese on ice cream & random connections

      June 27, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      In Quito, on every street corner, is an ice cream seller...with cheese. At first, I assumed my Spanish was so bad, that I was misunderstanding. But apparently it's a thing. Like salted caramel - sweet/savoury flavour combo. Whilst strolling around Baños, I come across a particularly clean looking ice cream shop. I was staring at the menu with pictures for far too long, trying to work out how important it was for to sample this weird mix. A young man called Wilson popped out offering me an English menu. I said I was scared to try this crazy concoction so he sprung into action, creating me a generous sample of passion fruit ice, frozen cream and grated mozzarella (like) cheese. Mmmm yes, people, it was delicious 😋. Of course, I was obliged to buy some and had a lovely half hour chatting to Wilson, in Spanish, as he patiently waited for me to get a sentence out, one slow word at a time.

      I left there to visit a tourist attraction, a magical chocolate factory. I thought I could benefit from being educated on the processing process :-). I got chatting to a young Venezuelan man with perfect English, called Luis. Aged 24, financially supporting his parents, sister and niece back home. We had a lovely connection and enjoyed a chat for almost an hour before he had to get back to work (I kept saying 'Don't get yourself in trouble'. He gave me an assortment of milk chocolates because I explained us Brits are used to (and enjoy!!) low grade milk choc :-)

      Another day, I started a solo mini hike. I had had to withdraw cash and walked around a bit to make sure no one following me. Anyway I start on the empty, uphill, path behind the town. Very soon, a man and his dog join me. I let him go ahead (do I can see him). It's steep, he stops for breaths; me too - making sure I can keep him in my sights. Eventually, he rests in a hut. He keeps looking at me, turning round. To be honest, he may well have thought I was acting strange but I didn't feel safe and reluctantly retreated. But I bump into a young English boy and ask if I can walk back up with him. I puff and pant keeping up with this 20 something year old and very pleased to get to the top.

      He runs off to go to a further summit. This nearly 50 year old body tells me I am high enough :-). I then randomly meet an American girl who I am calling Firenza because I can't remember her name. We chatted, took photos of each other, walked down and went out to eat. Shwarma and mojito cocktail in a restaurant called Gardens of Babylon and decorated accordingly. Really lush!!
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    • Zip lining

      August 4, 2022 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Students all took advantage of the opportunity to cross the river by cables. It was impressive that they were willing to tolerate a little rain and cold. Note the cave at the end of the zip. And yes, they are climbing up a ladder on the side of a cliff in that last picture…with the appropriate safety harnesses.Read more

    • Day 32


      December 9, 2022 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Ab nach Baños für chli meh Action! Am Obe simer go ässe u i ha mega feini Llapingachos gässe 😍
      Am erste Tag simer go Rafte, was mega lustig isch gsi 😊 När isch zuefälligerwis a däm Tag grad es Outorenne bzw. meh Seifechisterenne gsi wo nur säute stattfindet 😄Read more

    • Day 33


      December 10, 2022 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Am zwöite Tag isch Canyoning ufem Programm gstande. Isch e mega cooli Erfahrig gsi, wotti sicher wieder mou mache! Zum Zmittag hani Encebollado usprobiert, was no rächt fein isch gsi 😊
      Am Obe simer zum der Tag lo usklinge, no ine heissi Vulkantherme gangeRead more

    • Day 34


      December 11, 2022 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Am dritt Tag simer no go Zipline u när ufe ne Ussichtspunkt ufe wos es paar Schoukle gäh het u mir üses innere Kind hei chönne useloh 😄
      Am Obe heimers gwagt es Restaurant z bsueche wos Fondue git (mit Chäs us Ecuador)... isch no erstuhnlech guet gsi 😊Read more

    • Day 23

      Baños de Aqua Santa

      January 21, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      We are currently in a smaller Ecuadorian town called Baños de Aqua Santa, in a valley surrounded by lush green mountains and volcanoes (dormant fortunately!). It’s beautiful here and the people have been extremely kind and genuine.

      We’ve loved it here! Our hotel is awesome, food outstanding (anyone want a tomahawk steak? Arepas? Empanadas with chocolate and banana? 🥰) and we have all stepped out of our comfort zones!! We have been so impressed with all the new activities and foods the girls are trying.

      In the last two days, we have gone to a local thermal bath/pool house. The girls jumped right in and had a blast. We’ve gone on two very small but extremely high up cable cars across a very wide and deep valley with a river very far below us. They rocked it. We went right next to an enormous waterfall. They then proceeded to do the “flight of the condor” - where we strapped into a secure swing and we got launched off a ramp that swung over the edge of a cliff!! Have I mentioned the rivers and valleys way below us? The girls and I went on “The Beauty” which forced me to hold in a few choice words. I thought it felt huge. However, Brian, chose “The Beast” which was much bigger. He didn’t hold in his choice words🤣! So much fun!

      I wouldn’t be surprised if Maddie wants to move up to the “Beast” soon. You can hear her in the video scream “This is awesome!” ❤️

      Today we are taking it easy. Katie has yet another cold. We also have the girls math tutor, Alex, today via zoom. Worldschooling has been an interesting and challenging yet rewarding experience so far. The girls are learning so much about these various cultures. I’m still scrambling trying to figure how to help them learn without using up an entire travel pack for all their school supplies.

      We are currently packing, getting ready to head to Cuenca tomorrow, where we’ll be staying for a week. It’s a colonial town about 7 hours south of here and is supposed to be a great place to stay awhile and also explore! I’m planning on taking the girls to get a traditional spiritual cleansing with egg (!) at a local market in Cuenca. Should be exciting!

      Hope you are all having a great weekend!
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    • Day 29

      Feminist graffiti - Boys , look away now

      July 3, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      This tickled me. Am going to translate (roughly) in order of photos.

      1) I didn't come from your rib, you came out of my vagina.

      2) Why do people say, "Grow balls". Balls are weak and sensitive. If you want to be hard, grow a vagina. Those things can really take a beating.

      3) If you obey all the rules, you will miss out on all the fun!

      4) History of Vaginas - book your ticket at the second hand bookshop...
      A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.

      5) In a relationship the man is the boss....he that sends flowers, gifts and chocolates.

      If I don't have curves, I am fat; if I lose weight, I become sick
      If I wear makeup, I'm not natural; if I don't, I look like Jada (Pinkett Smith??)
      If I say what I think, I'm rude; if I don't say it, I'm a hypocrite
      If I defend myself, I'm feisty; if I don't, I'm submissive
      If I laugh I take it all as a joke, if not I'm bitter

      Whatever you do, someone will always criticise you... And what do I care!!!!

      7) Closed minds, open mouths
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    • Day 52

      Banos-waterfalls,rain and smiles

      September 13, 2019 in Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We had decided to take small roads to Banos, the adventure capital of equador. And small they where, perched into the cliff of the canyon just the size of our truck . It takes a while to negotiate a passing spot when another car comes along .
      Ecuador makes you a happy spender. Fill up the tank of our truck and its 30$ . We had a splurging day in Banos , lunch at the expensive swiss bistro ,then thermal bath . After that we stopped at a wonderful german owned finca for kaffee und kuchen and dinner in the evening . overnight was free in their parkinglot and all together we spent just about 60 $ (yes ecuador uses US dollars ) .
      And while it rained all night and on and off during the day , we enjoyed the waterfall hikes and the young people doing mountain biking ,zip lines and swings .
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    • Day 119

      Route de las Cascadas & Ziplining

      October 25, 2019 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Neben den ganzen Extremaktivitäten wollten wir auch die für Baños obligatorische Mountainbiketour entlang der "Route de las cascadas" machen, zusammen mit der von Darwin vorgeschlagenen "King of the Woods-Tour" mit Start auf ca. 3000 m. Jedoch regnete es den ganzen Morgen und somit warteten wir erstmal ab, in der Hoffnung, dass das Wetter mittags besser werden würde. So gingen wir erstmal auf den zentralen Markt und erkundeten die kleine Stadt. Das Wetter wurde tatsächlich besser und wir konnten gegen 13.00 Uhr starten - auf Grund des Verspäteten Starts ohne die "King of the Woods" Strecke. Mit den Belgiern, Jule (aus der Nähe von Köln) und Darwin (unserem Guide) fuhren wir entlang unzähliger Wasserfälle - um Baños gibt es über 70 Wasserfälle! Wir hielten an verschiedenen Orten und Darwin erzählte uns einiges über die Gegend mit seinem unglaublichen Wissen. Ein Highlight der Tour waren Stops zum Ziplining - das wir auch wieder zum ersten Mal ausprobierten. Beim Ziplining rutscht man an einem Drahtseil gesichert z. B. über eine Schlucht oder ähnliches. Unsere Seilstrecken waren 500 m und 700 m lang. Die erste Strecke konnten wir zusammen über einen Canyon und Wasserfall fliegen, der Weg zurück ging nur alleine. Auch ein Hammer Erlebnis - man hat wirklich das Gefühl zu fliegen. Nach dem Andrenalinschub ging es erstmal in eine lokale Bonbonmanufaktur, die aus Guave in der Region bekannte leckere Süßigkeiten herstellt und einem nachfolgenden Lunch. Den Abschluss der Tour und der sehr beeindruckende Part bildete der Wasserfall "Pailon del diablo" - an dem man herunterwandern konnte um aus nächster Nähe die Naturgewalt zu erfahren. Ein faszinierender Ort in einer tollen Landschaft.
      Zurück ging es schließlich Ecuador-klassisch zusammen mit den Bikes auf der Ladefläche eines LKWs zurück nach Baños, wo unser Bus um 19:30 Uhr Richtung Amazonas startete. 🐍🐦🐊🕷️
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    • Day 10


      May 21, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Nach einem Bad gestern Abend in den Thermen und einem Essen in Baños ging es ins Bett.
      Da der Amazonas sehr nahe bei Baños liegt, besuchten wir heute einen Park im Regenwald. Unterwegs haben wir zuerst eine spektakuläre Fahrt mit einer kleinen Seilbahn über einen Wasserfall unternommen. Nach allen Aktivitäten fuhren wir nach Riobamba.
      Von dort aus geht es Morgen in den Chimboraza Nationalpark.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Baños de Agua Santa, Banos de Agua Santa

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