  • Dag 68

    Relaxing by the pool

    10. august 2018, Kambodsja ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

    Yesterday was a great day doing pretty much all of the major tourist traps. I even snuck away from my tuktuk driver at one stop to hit the Hard Rock, which was just past the US Embassy (pic of nothing below).

    I've booked a bus to Siem Reap in the morning, the location of the infamous Angkor Wat. Today, I'm just hanging out at the hostel. Pool, food, drinks, wifi...why not. There's a Seeing Hands (blind masseuses) massage parlor about five house down, so I'll hit that later if I can drag myself off the couch.

    I'm loving this very flexible schedule. I feel like a teenager who doesn't have to go to school. Sleep when I want, eat when I want, walk around or not, couch potato or not. Awesome! I can't believe I've been traveling for more than two months already, and I'm not tired of it!

    Out for now. 🥔
    Les mer