  • Día 69

    Following trails of tasty wine

    6 de noviembre de 2017, Georgia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Endless offerings of grapes, grape juice, churchkhela and wine along the road through colorful mountain slopes resolved all doubts that Kakheti is a true wine-growing region. So we ended up camping between vine stocks and enjoyed the silence a day ride away from metropolitan loudness.

    We found out that traveling on the main roads by bike increases the chances to run across people we met before, so did Julia & Pierre stop by when they saw us. As for the climb up to Signaghi we needed more time than expected we didn't make it to meet up again with these lovely guys.

    However, the ascent was absolutely worth it as Signaghi provides stunning views over the surrounding valley and the Great Caucasus. The town itself is very well restored and quite touristy with plenty of guesthouses and restaurants.

    Unsurprisingly, we found ourselves within a group of Russian tourists and tried our best to keep up with drinking homemade wine and dancing the Georgian style to Georgian live music.
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