• Day 14

    So Long and Thanks For All The Fish

    September 30, 2023 in Malaysia ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    Did you get the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference? (Still, on a serious note, I'm confident the kids are cured of fish!)

    Everyone has full hearts and is ready to come home to all the familiar people, pets and things we love. It made the return journey so much more doable because 24 hours is a lot of travelling when you're already tuckered out.

    The flight to KL was too turbulent to sleep, so in a classic de ja vu moment, we found some Starbucks coffee and our previous sleeping benches to catch a few hours before our last flight to Perth.

    We actually slept better on the second leg, bunched up in the smaller seats and after remembering how to bloody drive a car, that first bite of Grill'd burger was as delicious as knowing we'd be home in just a few short hours.

    What an adventure! As corny as it sounds, the best part was sharing time with our sweet kids and making memories. Hopefully, it gives them the courage to step outside their comfort zones in the future, knowing they have the resources to survive this crazy world, having survived two weeks in Japan with their parents. 😍💘.
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