  • Gün 11

    SQD11: Routine is Good

    31 Mart 2020, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

    Self-quarantine day 11.
    Stay @ home order day 6.

    Routine is good ... but it does make for boring journal entries. There's really nothing to write about that anyone would be interested in. Yet, time is flying rapidly ... three more days before our SQ days are over 🤞🏻. Not that we plan to rush out and socialize ... no, we'll be keeping our distance physically. Thank goodness there are "online" means of keeping in touch with family and friends.

    We had a gorgeous day here in Colorado Springs today. Just terrific. Blue skies — sunshine. Even though the high today was only around 66F — and that wasn't reached until around 5:00p — it felt much, much warmer in the sun ... even in the early hours of the morning. T-shirt weather for sure while I was sitting on the deck at 9:00a, enjoying my morning tea. Mui went biking ... and later in the day, we went for a neighborhood walk to enjoy the delightful weather further.

    We know this weather won't last, however. Colorado's spring is finicky. So we'll make the most of it while we can. Indoor chores can wait for when we have those blah days and have to stay indoors.

    All in all ... a good day.

    Stay safe ... stay healthy. And here's a cute washy washy reminder video I’ve attached to this footprint.
    Okumaya devam et