• Day 40

    Budapest: Peachy-Pink

    October 17, 2024 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

    Late to bed.

    Early to rise.

    A little tired for sure.

    But seeing Buda bathed in the peachy-pink glow of the early morning light … well, it was worth being a little bleary eyed. Knowing that there was a good chance we would be rafting with other Viking longships before the day was over — and could possibly lose our view — I took time for a few shutter clicks before going to breakfast.

    By the time we finished our morning meal and went up to the Sun Deck for a couple of selfies, the light had changed. No more peachy-pink. But that did not stop us from taking a couple of photos before heading off to join our group for this morning’s included tour.


    Update at 5:00p: Yes … Rinda is indeed rafting with two other longships. But we must be scheduled to leave before the others tomorrow, so we are still in the outer position. And we still have our Buda view.
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