And so it begins

Ship has delayed departure by 12 hours due to high winds
On the way from the airport to the ship we past a new eruption (Last night about 10.30 it started) and is calming down now
after arriving atRead more
Left port just after 8 this morning so here are a few pics
Had some photography lessons today so i might take better pics!!!!
Also lectures on science projects this afternoon so busy busy
Just been introduced to all the crew and staff managers with a glass of champagne in the explorer lounge
Loads of safety lectures and science lectures today quite tiring
Took pics of whales and birds to test my camera skills after yesterday's lecture got some killer whale fins but they would not surfaceRead more
Went out on rubber boats today to get up close and personal to a glacier great fun saw some realy large iceburgs and even saw a seal (I know you can see them in norfolk but lying on an iceburg? enjoyRead more
Tomorrow we land at kvanefjord in Greenland seen a lot of icebergs
Heading into the fjord for today's boat landing
Ready for a boat landing lectures in the morning then a history walk this afternoon seepics quite warm today
Well what a rainy day - constant heavy rain all day but still went out - first to a museum just 2 of my many many pics then on to the culture centre for a show I have some video of it
Traveler Flight running late