  • День 12

    Such a good day :)

    13 февраля 2019 г., Индия ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Today was SUCH a good day I loved every second. We decided to go to a different medical project this morning and do the medical camp instead of the slum clinic and it was so good! We had to do so much hands on work and loved it. We took names ages what the problem was, took blood pressure blood sugar and then gave out prescriptions, it was so much fun and we met so many people from the community. It was so busy and the people just kept coming we even had to say no to a few as we needed to finish up! We also had to clean wounds and replace dressings so it was so interesting! We then came back for lunch and I had another freezing bucket shower it was terrible hahaha. At 3.30 the tuk tuk picked us up and we had the most amazing evening ever. We had said we wanted to do the home visit this evening and it was actually a visit to our tuk tuk drivers house. We drove about 10 minutes in Faridabad and arrived in his town, like 20 children were there to greet us and then we got given flower garlands and got dressed up in Saris by the women and makeup and hair done, it was so cute! We played with the children, taught them English dances and they taught us Indian ones and had one million cuddles with them all, they were adorable! The family gave us dinner and all the children from the town came to sit with us it was adorable. Honestly one of the best evenings ever! Basically all the children from the town waved us off, didn’t wanna leave!Читать далее