  • Dzień 4

    Canvassing Swan Lake & Saturday's Storms

    27 października 2018, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

    I canvassed Swan Lake yesterday. It was beautiful and very sad too. I went back into the President Hotel - a pretty wonderful hotel in its day - that was turned into a neighborhood of winterized homes. The view to the small part of Swan Lake was so lovely. Otherwise the town is mostly so poor and depressed. The stores are boarded up and those still there are scraggly looking at best. It is a window into rural living when the main industry, tourism, dries up and is replaced with nothing. Even with the poverty, it was nice to drive around town. I canvassed the building where my dad went to school. I visited the apartment that used to be the gym. Pretty cool.

    Biden came in to town for a rally for Delgado while I was out canvassing. He was inspiring for the staff and volunteers who went. I think it helped get the important local paper in the county to come out supporting Delgado. It feels good. The momentum is building.

    After canvassing, I was charged with setting up all the lists and materials for the weekend of canvassing. We have 85 turfs in our office with about 35 doors each to get through. A formidable task. After the first wave of volunteers came through, I had to abandon half of my system as superfluous and stick to an easier method. Trial by fire. It was a little stressful and fun too.

    In the middle of the day we heard about the shooting at the synagogue. This is a very Jewish area. Many of the volunteers and staff are Jewish. Meri, the Field Organizer, was just so heartbroken. She and we talked about what is happening to this country. How could this be America? The tragedy was compounded by the utter disregard for the lives of these shooting victims by the President. This disgusting, vile and evil man. And the complicity through excuses, denial, and chilling silence of those who support Trump. These are the new brown shirts shouting tomorrow belongs to me. All I can think to do is what I am doing. Trying to turn things around in this one small county, in this one congressional district, in this big country.

    Tomorrow is our last big voter ID (who is fur us and agin us) push before we head into the GOTV (get out the vote) mode. I’m hoping that the folks who didn’t show up today will come in tomorrow. I would love to get another 50 turfs out. Big goals, big goals.
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