Election 2018 Adventure

października - listopada 2018
Antonio Delgado (D) NY District 19 is running to unseat John Faso (R). Pols rate this one of the swingiest districts up this session. I'm going to Monticello NY to work on the campaign. Follow my adventures. Czytaj więcej
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  • Dzień 13

    Monday Thoughts

    5 listopada 2018, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    Bob left this morning to head back to D.C. I'm missing him already. It was a blessedly slower day today. I'm all of mixed emotions. I am so thrilled with the kind of activism I am seeing. I'm also really nervous and anxious and sad. I'm also pissed and tired and scared to death. I've made some wonderful connections with some amazing and dedicated people. A jumble of emotions.

    I am not trusting the polls. Who answers their phone to give pollsters their opinions? It takes thousands and thousands of dials to reach a few hundred people. That then has to be weighted to match the demographics of likely voters and then analyzed. That analysis has its bias where they make assumptions about who will turn out and who will stay home. And who are the voters that are just not getting counted in these polls. What I know is that the only poll that matters is the one counted tomorrow.

    It is time for sleep. I have to get into the office by 7:15 to run the turf lists (all 120 of them) to get ready for the 124 volunteers we have signed up to canvass tomorrow. Coffee is ready for the morning and the alarm is set. Wish me/us luck.
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  • Dzień 15

    We Did It!

    7 listopada 2018, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Driving back from the victory celebration I couldn’t help smiling at each Delgado for Congress sign.

    The weather was miserable for most of the day which we all know is not good for Democrats. I opened the office at 7:15am and prepped the turf sheets. The first shift was scheduled for 8am. And they came. All day. Midday volunteers came back from knocking doors with soaking literature and coats ready for another turf. 107 volunteers did over 3,200 doors.

    But was it enough? Sullivan County is red. The large Hasidic community votes Republican - Israel. The campaign prioritized the relatively large African American vote in Monticello that traditionally under-votes their numbers in this predominantly or should I say overwhelmingly white district. Somehow one of the large complexes had their apartment numbering and mailboxes changed which didn’t get changed on the voter lists. Our canvassers had major problems finding the doors of our hundred plus Delgado voters.

    At 8 o’clock the last canvassers checked back in totaling 121 turfs. Unbelievable.

    We got to the Election Night party at about 10pm. Early tallies had us up by a couple points. Anxious and excited and hopeful. And at about 11pm CNN called it for Antonio. The room went wild! I yelled, jumped up and down, cried and laughed. We worked so hard. And winning feels like nothing else.

    The Sheriff’s race was called just before ours and Figueroa, who is new to politics, had just gotten up on stage to speak. He gave a passionate speech about protecting everyone and bring justice and equality front and center. There is a new Sheriff in town. Stirring and poignant.

    The crowd chanted Del-ga-do, Del-ga-do, until Congressman-Elect Delgado came around the corner with his wife Lacie up to the stage. Pandemonium. He delivered a humble, gracious, and heartfelt oration. The whole beautiful and diverse crowd cheered and shouted and cried.

    I’m writing this on the plane heading back to Portland where it was a good night too. Kate, JoAnn, defeat anti-sanctuary and abortion measures and passing climate change jobs. Nice work Portland.

    We are clawing our way back. I’m deeply thankful that we took the House and added some new women and people of color to lead. And as hard as we all worked this cycle, we have to double-down and build organizations to keep moving in the right direction.

    I pledged to fight like hell this election. I believe I made a difference.
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