  • Dag 20

    Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh

    1 juni 2018, Thailand ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    Today we decided to do an all day Mekong River tour. Better than being stuck in the city all day. We were picked up from the opera house at 8.00am and then had a two hour drive to the boat. Of course we slept most of the way, because it was early after all! We went to a village on one of the islands and had fresh fruit and were serenaded by some local farmers. We then went to a bee farm where we had honey tea which was yummy. Bit scary with all the bees around as we were trying the honey straight off the comb with the bees still on it.

    Then we went on the boat to another location and got in a tuk tuk and went through some windy skinny streets until we reached our lunch destination. That was an experience! We arrived and had a magnificent lunch and there was a elephant ear fish that looked amazing. Met a very cute dog too!

    After lunch we walked to the river and jumped into little row boats and we went through the canals around the islands. Then back on the boat for more cruising on the Mekong and returned to the bus for another sleep on the way home.

    As it was our last night in Vietnam we wandered off to find a decent restaurant. We stopped at a bar first off and played jenga which I finally won, also started to drink beer and it was quite good!

    Then we found a great restaurant the food was excellent, only problem was a very loud birthday party going on upstairs and there was ear splitting screaming and laughing upstairs which ruined the ambience somewhat. But the food was great and it was a good way the finish our last night!
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