  • Hari 9

    Travel to Montpelier

    14 Ogos 2019, Perancis ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    Our wonderful Air BnB host Michele offered to drive us to the station which really helped with the bags. She has been wonderful and her room is beautiful. We arrived early at the station, mainly because I would rather be there early and have a cafe and not have to rush or panic we might miss the train. Is working so far.

    The fast trains are an amazing way to travel and it’s a good way to relax after a couple of days of sightseeing.

    We arrived in Montpelier early afternoon and our hotel was in walking distance to the station. Mind you our room was the size of a matchbox compared to our previous place, but it was clean and in a good location. We headed out to explore the old town and to have a glass of wine, of course and some crepes which were yum. We found an old church that was amazing inside and in need of renovation. So much history to these towns. Pete found another musee that was in an old house which he explored while I rested my weary feet.

    I had a craving for pomme frittes (chips) and Pete found me some. We wandered home as I had had enough. Pete was going to go out again, but was soon settled in beside me asleep. I don’t think one night stays are worth it as you don’t really get a chance to explore. Tomorrow it’s on to Nice.
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