We are heading off for a month to discover Cambodia and Vietnam and to have a relaxing time in Koh Samui at the end. Follow our adventures!!! Baca lagi
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  • Hari 2

    Cambodia - Phnom Penh

    14 Mei 2018, Kemboja ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    We arrived after a long trip but lucky we could check in straight away. Freshened up and then out to explore. We were going to walk and just get our bearing but we were approached about taking a tuk tuk and he won us over! Chanty took us on a tour of the main city sights and then took us to the depressing Killing Fields, but that’s the next story. Great to be in a new country and to learn the history and story of the people!Baca lagi

  • Hari 2

    Cambodia - Killing Fields

    14 Mei 2018, Kemboja ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    This was really confronting for both of us. For me all I could think was that while this horrific genocide was happening I was worried about boyfriends and what I was going to do with my life. I heard about Cambodia and pol pot and Khmer Rouge vaguely but nothing about what was really happening. This amazing city of Phnom Penh was cleared of all people and they were sent into the country to work in farming. There were no schools, teachers, doctors, hospitals etc and many educated people were told they were going to be sent away for retraining but they were actually killed. The terrible thing was this wasn’t done by another country, this was Cambodians killing Cambodians. The Killing Fields is just one place we’re there was mass graves for the people killed. Women, children - no one was safe. Over 8000 people killed and buried at this site. The Cambodian people are incredibly brave and strong. Really was an eye opener and makes you think twice when we complain about our lives.Baca lagi

  • Hari 3

    Cambodia - Phonm Penh

    15 Mei 2018, Kemboja ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    So onto a nicer story, every morning so far I have gone for a walk along the river at about 6.30am. It is a great time to watch the Cambodians getting ready for the day. Lots of people out with their children or walking along the river doing exercises. A quiet time because the tuk tuk drivers don’t hassle you at all. It is warm but usually not too hot at this time. I watched them cooking noodles and soup on road side stalls for the locals for breakfast and it looks yum! We went out to dinner and sat by the river and watched the boats coming and going. It is the Kings birthday celebration and they have three days off to celebrate and the Palace is lit up at night and everyone is out with their families celebrating.Baca lagi

  • Hari 4

    Cambodia - Phonm Penh Last Day

    16 Mei 2018, Kemboja ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    Today is our last day here and tonight we fly to Siem Reap for two nights. If we were to come back to Cambodia we would probably catch a bus or boat to travel around but that’s but hard to know when you haven’t been before. This morning we went to the Kings Palace and walked around with a tour guide who lived through the time of Khmer Rouge as he was 7 at the time and he gave us another insight into what the Cambodian people went through at that time. The king at the time apparently sided with the Khmer Rouge as he believed in communism, I can’t believe how forgiving these people are, our guide said the people love the king, amazes me after what was done to the people. Anyway we toured the amazing palace and the grounds, and had quite a history lesson!Baca lagi

  • Hari 4

    Cambodia - Siem Reap

    16 Mei 2018, Kemboja ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    After an incredibly short flight we arrived in Siem Reap. Basically got up in the air and the pilot; who was female and named Helen announced that we were preparing for landing! We spent more time in the airport than in the air. We arrived and it was wonderful. Siem Reap was much more relaxed than Phonm Penh and we arrived at a wonderful hotel, and the lady who checked us in was great and gave us heaps of information. We settled in then decided to go for a walk to the night market for dinner and do a bit of exploring. Well I had the worst glass of wine, Pete thought it was poison, it was just old and very yellow. Note to self - drink cocktails not wine! Had a wander round and then decided to find somewhere for dinner and head back to the hotel. Ok so we got completely lost and ended up on quiet back streets trying to find our way home. Eventually stumbled across our street and found a restaurant nearby for a late dinner. They only supplied beer but we had tonic and finally managed to get him to pour some gin (or maybe it was only water !!) anyway it was a good dinner and a bit of an adventure. Off to the temples in the morning.Baca lagi

  • Hari 5

    Cambodia - Siem Reap Day 2

    17 Mei 2018, Kemboja ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    Ok so today we got up relatively early and headed off to the temples. It was soooooo hot by the time we arrived but we pressed on. Sometimes I think we are getting old, no never (haha). We went to Angkor Wat first which was massive and absolutely amazing. Saw the mix of religions and had a guide who explained the history. Our guide said it was a quiet day but still about 1,000 people there. We walked through the Wat but came back along the moat where it was cooler and less tourists. We then went to an old Wat where they are renovating it where it has been over taken by the jungle and you can see trees growing around and on top of the buildings. Incredible to see and the blocks of rock that were moved to build these structures were massive. We were exhausted by the time we returned to the hotel, spent the afternoon by the pool and sleeping! Went out to dinner to Mali’s which is run by the top chef in Cambodia. It was amazing, food was fantastic and we had so much we walked home, without getting lost and collapsed on the bed. Love Siem Reap!Baca lagi

  • Hari 6

    Cambodia - last day Siem Reap

    18 Mei 2018, Kemboja ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    We are flying out to Hanoi tonight and so we had the day to fill in. Booked a tour to go to the Tonle Sap Lake and Kampong Phluk the floating village. Ended up just us on the tour with our own tour guide. Drove out to the edge of the lake and hopped on a little motor boat and drove through the village which is all on stilts. It’s the dry season so the water level is low but in the wet season the water is about a metre from the floor of the houses incredible to think there will be that much water in this area. Went out to a floating restaurant on the lake with a crocodile farm on it. On the way back walked through the town and stopped at a little English school and spoke to the kids so they could practice their English. Very cute kids! After the tour we stopped in town for our last Cambodian meal which was yummy! Spent the rest of the afternoon swimming and Pete getting a massage. Onto the next step in the adventure.Baca lagi

  • Hari 7

    Vietnam - Hanoi

    19 Mei 2018, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Arrived last night at Hanoi airport, it’s been great because I have organised transfers so when we arrive tired we get picked up and taken directly to the hotel. Yes it might be more expensive than getting our own way there, but it is so much easier! We arrived at our hotel in the Old Quarter and were really happy with the room and the location of the hotel. So we checked in and cleaned up and then decided to go out for a drink and a walk, oh dear it’s after midnight and everything is closed! Lost a bit of time somewhere! All good we decided to go to bed and go exploring in the morning.

    When we woke up we headed out firstly to get some money changed as its Saturday and banks close at 11.30. Wow it’s not easy finding a bank that does currency exchange but finally did. We walked around the lake in the centre of Hanoi which was lovely. We found out today is Ho Chi Minhs birthday and so lots of celebrations around Hanoi. Very relaxed atmosphere and as we walked around we were stopped by two groups wanting to practice their English with us. I also came across a beautiful dog called Moon and she made me miss Keeno a little bit more. We watched a dancing and singing group perform on the street. It was really hot by lunchtime and we decided to go to a water puppet show, partly for the show and partly to get out of the heat!!

    While we were waiting for the show Pete suggested we walk to the river to have a look. So off we headed, crossed roads and motorways by shadowing the locals across the road. We made it across alive
    but the river was a huge disappointment being really just a floating garbage truck. So we headed back and went to the puppet show after a cooling Mojito. Really clever puppet show, and really cool!

    Returned to the hotel and had the complimentary afternoon tea which was amazing. Relaxing tonight and tomorrow heading out on a city tour before heading off to Sapa. Must admit we are really looking forward to getting out of cities for a bit!
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  • Hari 8

    Vietnam - Hanoi

    20 Mei 2018, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    Last night we wandered down the street and found a roadside cafe where we had an amazing hot pot which was yummy and we watched the rain pour down in a quick rain storm, very humid.

    We had a full day in Hanoi today (Sunday) so we organised to go on a day tour on a bus! At least it was air conditioned and we got to see all the sights of Hanoi. We went to the Ho Chi Minh complex and the line to get into see the body of Ho Chi Minh was two kilometres long and we decided we were not going to stand out in the sun for two hours or more! So we went to the next place the museum of ethnology and learned about how the Vietnamese people live traditionally. We then went to a laqueur factory and saw how they do the traditional artwork and of course they tried to sell us some. Then we had lunch at a restaurant that felt a bit like a Coles Cafeteria! Then back to the Ho Chi Minh complex to walk around the mausoleum and gardens! By this time it was incredibly hot and we all just wanted to stay in the bus. But on we pushed. We then went to the Confucius temple and walked through the gardens which were lovely. Last stop to a pagoda on the West River which was a Buddhist temple. We went back to the lake with the offer to walk back to our hotel or stay on the bus and get dropped off. Guess what we did? Stayed on the bus because we were hot and exhausted. We had already checked out of the hotel in the morning but they let us use the room for a shower which was just what we needed. We had about four hours to wait for the train so we sat in the bar and ate their snacks and had cocktails, then we went for a walk to find a torch which we did then we found a mojito bar where we filled in a bit of time playing Genga. Finally it was time to go to the train station where we found our two berth sleeper and before we knew it we were on our way to Sapa in an express train (which stopped all stations) and I missed them all as I fell straight to sleep. Very glad to be leaving the city for the country!!Baca lagi

  • Hari 9

    Vietnam - Sapa

    21 Mei 2018, Vietnam ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

    We arrived in Lao Cai at 6.00am after a great trip on the train, very relaxing and a good sleep. Much improvement on the bus I took 5 years ago.

    We were met at the train station and drove the 30hair raising kms overtaking on corners and driving at break neck speed! Still we arrived at the office of the Sapa Sisters trekking and were given breakfast. Met our guide
    miss Mu and we headed off. Took about two minutes to realise that my light pack was too heavy and it proved to be a hassle from the start. We went down our first track and there the trouble began, the track was steep,skinny and wet and muddy from the rain the night before. Mu had to take my pack after I fell twice on my bum and the pack was so heavy I couldn’t stand up. Thank goodness for the two local women who tagged along to sell us handicrafts because they held my hand and helped me down every difficult bit. Don’t think I would have made it without them.

    On the track Mu pointed out an indigo plant that is used to dye fabric for weaving and showed me how to get the dye out. Now I had a very muddy bum and indigo hands. Pete was busy keeping his own feet and all he could do was look on and laugh as I slipped down the hill on my bum! Very helpful haha! Still once the hard bits were over I managed and the views were amazing. We walked 10kms today through some rough and difficult terrain and by the time we stopped for lunch Pete hated me and I hated me! Both of us agree that we are probably a bit old for this type of trekking.
    Though we did get a round of applause when we made it up a particularly difficult hill.

    The heat was what made it difficult apart from the terrain, it was a relief when we had some light rain. We had lunch at a local house where we were entertained by a piglet knocking the chickens cage to get the rice. Very clever piglet.

    We were staying at Mu’s sister in laws house with the family and got a real insight as to how these people live
    with their pigs, chickens, cats and dogs. The whole family came for dinner and we drank happy water (rice wine) with them and met Mu’s son and husband. Communication was hard but we did learn how to say cheers every time they said just one more! Great experience, both exhausting and amazing. Lovely evening and they gave us our own room and made sure it was really comfortable. No showers and a squat toilet but amazing food and people. We were in bed by 7pm after and exhausting but incredible day.
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