  • Dag 18

    2 Wild & Crazy Gals - Sarajevo

    26 juni 2016, Bosnien och Hercegovina ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

    Why Sarajevo? Because we can. Because it's fun to go somewhere you never thought you'd go. Upon arrival our Airbnb host, Azul, arranged a nice, affordable taxi to his apartment building. He was leaning out a window and greeted us pleasantly. Although his apartment was updated, modern and very clean, Lana & I kept giving each other sideways glances. Once alone, we quickly agreed this was not a neighborhood we would feel comfortable walking back to from dinner. But what do we do? Wait to leave once he's gone like thieves in the night? No. He seemed very nice. We caught him as he was about to depart & simply explained we needed to go to a hotel. It wasn't him, but we are at that stage in life where we must have AC (TMI). Azul was taken back, but composed nicely & drove us to a Marriott. A quick decision was necessary so we did not mind breaking our rule of staying in an American hotel. Oh, we felt better immediately! As it's Ramadan, we walked a few short blocks to old town. Delightful, bustling & fun. Not only were we hungry, but we needed to eat before 8:00 when all the locals finish fasting for the day & begin to celebrate. As we finish our last few bites, the sky darkens and a torrent of hail / rain deluged the city. And wouldn't you know it, the brand spanking new umbrella, purchased just this morning, is dry back at the Marriott.

    Tomorrow we'll write about our tour of the city and the post-fasting celebration we missed out on tonight. So many exciting and new things!!! Maybe visit a mosque, witness a city's call to prayer, tour the tunnels of hope used during the war and eat more baklava which will spoil all baklava for our foreseeable future!
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