Adams Peak starting place
Tea Breeze Motel
Adams Peak starting place
Tea Breeze Motel
Also morgens um 8.30 mit dem Bus von Dalhousie nach Hatton gefahren. Die Fahrt dauerte ca. 1.45. Ich hatte keinen Sitzplatz doch war ganz vorne beim Beifahrer Türe. Also hab mich an der offenen TüreRead more
Ramboda Falls morgens mit dem Fahrer los. Climed up during a little jungle and on the top was the waterfall. We were the only one. Pnly with another couple. lucky me again. So I could swim in theRead more
City Tour ir town Tour
At 5 from Nuaware Eliya to Horton Plains Nationalpark. Hiking trough the park with seek g Worlds End, Bakers Fall and back.
On my Birthday.. What a day ..
Zug von Pattipola nach Ella genommen
Ella Nine Arch Bridge