Day One

Now where's those bloody penguins
Now where's those bloody penguins
Decent Flight
Bed for the night ..bottom bunk big relief ..Showered Shaved and the rest ..something to eat maybe a pint and early night before the snores start !!
That was an interesting night .... Sleeping in a dorm was okay but oh so hot temperature never fell below 20 degree ... Slept off and on couldn't take it any longer up at 5 nice cool shower and nowRead more
Now for an Ulster Fry
Passport collected can use the pilgrims hostels en route now
Very nice and lovely to get out of the sun
Great night's sleep even had to use duvet during the night ...Had nice breakfast off to explore before it gets too hot ... Getting hot already 25 C
Good luck dad we will be following u along thep way
Looking a bit apprehensive !!! All the best enjoy Val
Look great Jim. Enjoy the journey