• Day 29

    Not drowning... waving!

    November 5, 2018 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    I mean not dead, resting!... I think, unless they got sucked into the power station.

    These lazy layabouts look like a pod of beached whales but are in fact a bunch of snoozing sea lions.
    This is a small group, the bludgers are all up and down the Californian coast, probably most of the west coast actually and in high numbers.

    As we were looking at them a Argentinian man who moved to the US in the 70’s and is now a volunteer at one of the viewing spots asked us if we had any questions.
    I did.
    From the late 1700’s American sealers hunted Australian seals practically to extinction and they have never fully recovered to this day.
    I wanted to know how come the Americans practically wiped out our seals but obviously left their own alone.
    Answer: They didn’t, they wiped theirs out completely then got stuck into ours.

    What happened is, later the Americans found the last surviving 50 or so on a island off Mexico, they captured these and moved them to California where they have now bred up into good numbers.
    Mexico though is probably lamenting the demise of their last seals, though seeing most Mexicans want to get into America they can’t really complain if some of their folk get the gold ticket entry.
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