San Francisco revisited

Our RV got absorbed back into the mass of hundreds of anonymous vehicles at the Cruise America lot at Newark, San Francisco.
Bit of a shame we didn’t get to say goodbye because we slept, cooked,Read more
Our RV got absorbed back into the mass of hundreds of anonymous vehicles at the Cruise America lot at Newark, San Francisco.
Bit of a shame we didn’t get to say goodbye because we slept, cooked,Read more
A last night treat away from The Partridge Family, a RV Park with camping places underneath tall Coastal Redwoods, not Sequoias, we’ve learnt that much, it was a very beautiful spot.
It should haveRead more
I mean not dead, resting!... I think, unless they got sucked into the power station.
These lazy layabouts look like a pod of beached whales but are in fact a bunch of snoozing sea lions.
This is aRead more
All right all you pinkie, leftie, greenies get out of my way with your biodynamic, rainbow painted wind farms and your organic hippie, dippie solar power rubbish.
You want to worship the sun... becomeRead more
You know we have been had.
From my first trip here to our last couple we believed and have been telling people we’ve seen the Sequoia trees when all we saw was those damn imposters the CoastalRead more
The Joshua Tree is a Yucca on steroids, they grow about an inch a year so deserve a little respect, along the lines of you should respect your elders and like most old folk they’re a mite pricklyRead more
Very bad service over here.
1: Low payed Mexican gardeners.
2: We wanted to treat ourselves to a bit of dining and dancing but the chef and band never showed up.
3: Manufacturing standards haveRead more
Just when you worked hard to dislike a place so much it keeps throwing up stuff to make you warm a little bit more towards it.
Now unless you hug one of these just a little too hard so you have toRead more
This is an attempt to find something else good about Arizona besides the Grand Canyon.
With my first ever trip here back in my twenties I had gun pulled on me in Phoenix so I’ve maintained a fairlyRead more
Traveler Sextuplets! How cute!
Oh my god…it's like a house of mirrors…if that ain't make'n amorica great again then i don't know what is….one last time.."Gard bless Amorica"…. (do they realise the US is only maybe a quarter of the Americas?)
Traveler You’ve had a fantastic trip, experiences a- plenty, seems like it was over in a flash, wonderful memories and lots of stories to tell. Thanks for all blogs, which we throughly enjoyed. Safe journey home catch up on our return, sometime after 17/11