• Day 14

    Last day

    April 13, 2017 in Mexico ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    Already our last day...
    We ve decided to rest at the playground pool in coba for our last day.
    The girls appreciated and we ve seen that they really started to play together. Lea decided to slide on one of the big slide and wouldn't stop.
    Camille didn't mind at all to play with her sister and it was so nice to see.
    We went to see the dolphin show at tulum and I ve to say that for the girls it was a nice thing to do...
    The show wasn't big but enough to entertain our girls.
    At night we headed to l hacienda and bought gifts for everybody.
    Camille receive a flute while Lea received her first doll.
    Everybody were happy when it was time to go bed.
    We on the contrary were exhausted while we had to finish to package everything up for our trip back home.
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