• Day 5

    Cruiser coach carnage

    July 29, 2019 in Finland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Woke up to find things sonewhat cooler - still bright but breezier. Still ended up sweating buckets running. Ate up & pack up time, though no great hurry. Hertz pick up at 12. Still Liz wanted to see Helsinki Cathedral - the white one - so needed to leave a little extra to do that & get across town. Checked out & dumped bags. Lots of people on the cathedral steps, most probably from cruises. A busker was doing the theme to Titanic - classic not knowing your audience. Looking down from the steps 13 coaches were parked up & a few round the corner. This wasn't likely to be a tranquil experience. Suprisingly it proved to be more so than expected. A volunteer took to the pulpit to give an account of the church's history - made it harder for people to be noisy. Had a little wander round & by the time we headed off there was a queue to get in. Car pick up was nice & easy. Guy in front had to go & get his car - we had ours brought to us. Lots of toys but concentration was needed - had to avoid hitting people, bikes & trams. Back to the the apartment, loaded up & headed out to Hanko.Read more