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- Jul 26, 2019, 12:03 AM
- 🌙 16 °C
- Altitude: 61 m
FinlandHelsinki Airport60°19’6” N 24°58’0” E
Happy Now?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. On reflection when checking in & finding standby on the boarding passes, alarm bells should've rung. They did not. Journey in was fine, though Liz's dad looked like he was going to have to deal with the after effects of a crash on the M56. Struggled to even locate the check in desk (67-68) and signs only went upto 65 - the joys of Manchester airport. The 'cheerful' check in clerk informed us that we might get on the flight & thought that that was a sufficient explanation. I begged to differ & wanted some clarification on why & what was entailed. She wasn't keen. Buck was swiftly passed. Her manager was dealing with a guy who didn't have a visa for Finland so was struggling to get on our potential flight... He went through the details - over booked etc. Clarified that if we were refused we would be accomodated & compensated - more relaxed after that. Told to go through as normal & we'd be notified at the gate. Our bags would only go on if we did. Sounded simple - ho hum. What was more annoying was the fact that during all this Paddy Berger & Vladi Smicer (LFC greats) were checking in just along from us & all we could do was watch. But for Finair we'd have been over there with Paddy & Vladi - yeah right. Grabbed some food & tried to find a relatively cool spot - not sorted their aircon. Gate was announced & checked - boarding passes - going to Finland yeah - no compo - boo. Boarding took forever & it was the same staff as check-in & I got a snarky 'happy now?' when handing over the passport. Didn't hear, which was probably for the best. Saddled with some fidgety kids going out to Singapore - mum was wanting them to sleep but let them stuff themselves silly with sweets. Nice sunset on coming into Helsinki - apparently (no window seat) Going to be light nights up here.Read more