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    4. März 2016 in Indien ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

    This marked my first venture outside of the United States since I was just a few years old. My father being a professor and also from India, had given me the opportunity to live my first few years in Australia and Hong Kong, also visiting India and other South East Asian countries like Thailand and Singapore. My mother had been introduced to this idea of traveling to India by a presentation given to her church by the owner of a school and orphanage in a small town a few hours outside Chennai called Vellore. After months of preparation, renewing passports, and getting vaccinations, we finally departed on June 6th.(I think) We flew from St. Louis to LAX, and from there, a 14 hour flight to Delhi. After a few more stops, we landed in Chennai. The first thing I noticed from walking out of the plane was the heat and smell. After struggling with finding our luggage and walking outside, it only intensified. There were hundreds of Indians waiting in a crowd to pick up expected guests, family, or to bombard the confused foreigners with appeasements of business.Weiterlesen