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- Oct 6, 2018, 6:32 PM
- ⛅ 18 °C
- Altitude: 757 m
SpainCalzada de Tera41°59’11” N 6°4’37” W
Tabara to Cadzilla de Tera

Tábara to Calzadilla de Tera
Distance 38 kms (7 hours)
I had an amazing evening in the Municipal Albergue (donation) run by Jose. Eleven peregrinos sat down to a pasta soup and Zamora rice dish. This was followed by grapes and lots of Jose’s home brew grappa. We were each given a philosophical reading from a Camino book. At the table, there were German, Dutch, French, Austrian, Spanish, Italian. No one spoke English so the whole table conversation was in Spanish. I was totally immersed in it all and actually understood a lot that was said. It might have been the grappa.....
This morning, my new band of desperados and I set off at 06.30am. As usual, it was cold and very dark. Ankel from Bilboa and Carlos from Pamplona set a blistering pace.
At 09.30 am, we stopped in a small village for cafe con leche and a chorizo tortilla. We had already walked 16kms.
We carried on arriving at Santa Marta de Tera at 11.30am (26kms). I was delighted because I thought that it was an easy day. We visited a famous church in the pueblo that has one of the oldest pieces of stonework depicting St. James. It is used to promote the Via de la Plata.
There I was feeling all pleased with myself when the boys filled their water bottles and started walking AWAY from the Albergue. What! “Vamos, Mick, El Albergue esta en la proximal pueblo” (We go Mick, the Albergue is in the next village). That was another 11 kms.
Off, I set limping as I have a BIG blister on my right big toe for another 3 hours.
The only thing about pain is to switch it off and just walk in the zone. Carlos carried on with the blistering pace and we finally arrived in Calzadilla de Tera.
The Albergue is on the top floor of a retired persons social club. There are six beds with a clean shower and toilet. It is donativo. It looks like something out of ‘One flew over the cuckoo’s nest.’
Admin completed. Toe is heavily bandaged. Now to rest.
And that was my 17th day on the Via de la Plata/Camino Sanabres.Read more
Nice bandaging work sir!
Mick Byrne
I’ve become an expert on flipping blisters 😎
Andy Fletcher Some good distances being covered mate!, this one made me chuckle!
Mick Byrne Walking with some great chaps. 🚶