  • 日11

    Day 11: (~37km)

    2016年7月12日, フランス ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    We did our laundry this morning so left a bit later than usual. And we headed out with no bike track to guide us. The first thing that went wrong was the gps told us to go on a big road, lots of truck traffic so not safe at all, so after a few kms We had to replan our route, north of the highway. This part of the ride was beautiful with tiny villages and farms with adorable little French houses loaded with flowers. The only problem was there was a lack of cafes for us to take a break, but it was not too bad.

    It was getting more and more hilly, lots of ups and really fun downs. Once we were even able to cruise to the next village! Really really nice, but after a while I got tired and sore. Then the weather turned from a bit cool and cloudy, prefect cycling weather, so raining pretty hard, we had another big hill ahead so I checked the map and found the closest camp site i could, and we went right. Stopped under a bridge for a snack and drink hoping the rain would stop. But no. Continued a bit then we saw a restaurant so we had lunch and tea. They were really nice and told us about a camping area even closer! They gave good directions, so we headed back out into the rain. We passed an awesome castle!

    In the tiny town there was a tiny camping area. I asked a guy where it was exactly and he started explaining it then I realised he was English, so we switched :) they helped translate a bit and said we can go anywhere and it's free-with a new amazing toilet block! Best shower yet. The couple invited us over for a coffee or tea In the morning before we set of as they live in the village all summer l. The joys of retirement.