The Next Steps

juni 2021 - juni 2024
I am starting a journey, driving to Nicaragua, with stops along the way to visit family, treat clients, and chase adventure Läs mer
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  • 13,6kkilometer
  • 617kilometer
  • Dag 38

    Rivers national park

    24 juli 2021, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    I left leroy leisure centre early this morning intent on finding a nice cup of earl gray tea and a spot to write in. That proved to be way more difficult to do than i expected.

    First of all Earl Gray is that fancy tea only big city fellas have, second is that i never really felt comfortable bringing out my laptop.

    So I changed my plans and went to Yorkton Saskatchewan, got my tea and decided to play 18 holes. I was actually pretty impressed with myself, it seems all of Saskatchewan is a wind tunnel. I battled the winds all day and still shot a 79! So not bad.

    Up to that point my day seemed pretty care free and easy. Then i hit Manitoba, the first thing i was greeted with was a flashing neon sign, saying in very poor English mind you, all must isolate 14 days! No other explanation or details just that. Since then i haven't seen anyone wear a mask or worry about anything at all.

    Next i needed to stop for the night, this is where things got tricky. Number 1 there are no rivers in Northern Manitoba, second every stitch of land is filled with fields and sloughs. Finally, most places were full or disgusting.

    I found Rivers National Park, and so far so good. I still have to pay for my spot for the night, but that will be in the morning.

    Now it is time to shut down and unwind, one thing though, i am going to blast through this Province tomorrow, it is just impossible for the adventure i want.
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  • Dag 40

    Kenora Ontario

    26 juli 2021, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    I finally got out of Manitoba and have arrived in Kenora Ontario, a beautiful little town on the lake. The atmosphere here is way more welcoming. We still need masks but the town seems to want me here.

    The town is a mix of old and new, with a focus on the lake and the fun that is connected to it.

    I decided to play some golf, and am looking forward to it.

    On the drive here i drove by these strange large birds. I later discovered that is this area they are pretty common, Sandhill cranes. I must have looked pretty strange chasing into the woods after them. Even with all that chasing I still didn't get a picture of them, they just stayed ahead of me all the way.

    On the golf course, i again ran into some rare nature, a large black bear. I was up ontop of this observation tower when i looked back to the corner of the course and there he was. The guy i was playing with quickly scrambled up to where i was. The bear made himself at home, ambling here and there, and even checking us out up on the tower. He came to the bottom of the stairs and was contemplating his next move. I was up top, contemplating mine. I had my driver with me and was trying to decide if it was best to use it like a club, or break the end off and use it like a spear.

    Thankfully the bear decided he had seen enough and wandered off into the woods. Tragedy averted i got back to the game, and prompltly sliced my ball into the woods in the direction of where the bear went. I guess i was a little more affected than i thought.

    With that bit of excitement behind me, i got back to the game. Oh i didn't get a picture of him either, but his image is burned into my brain.

    The rest of the game was pretty standard, until the 14th hole. My plaiying partner had quit at nine. I had been playing by myself, then at 14 the twins and Bob asked me to join them...
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  • Dag 40

    The twins

    26 juli 2021, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    The twins, two identical sisters, as they reminded me numerous times, beautiful blonde women in their early sixties. Bob was Sandras husband, she was the more competitive of the two women. They were beautiful, but they must have been show stoppers when they were young women. They had an unspoken language and a passion for life that you don't often see.

    They were fun, Sandra was more outgoing than Sonora, but they both were lively and and interesting. The rest of the game took on a whole different life, with easy wit and playful teasing being the order of the day.

    These two were all a buzz with me joining their group the questions were flying. Where am i from what do i do. Once I told them about THR, the questions only increased.

    Really, really that used to be you, that is ten days after, does it work for prolapses is there an age limit, will it help my son in law?

    I did my best to answer all the questions, but the answers seemed unreal even to me. I guess that is the power of the program

    I was sad to have to part ways with them, but my journey continues, i soon gound a place to stay for the night...
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  • Dag 40

    Paradise by the lake

    26 juli 2021, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    After finishing playing golf I set out to find the best play to camp for the night. I found Shangrila.

    Right beside a lake, about 25 Ks from Kenora, is a little slice of heaven.

    I arrived there as the sun was setting, and quickly took a dip to cool off and to get the dirt of the day off my body.

    It was amazing and a fresh breeze off the wster, caressed me all night as I slept...
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  • Dag 44


    30 juli 2021, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Have stopped in a little town outside Quebec city for breakfast. I am so impressed with the route google maps has taken me on.

    I don't know if it is the fastest but the scenery and countryside has been beautiful. I am so excited to be seeing the country like this. The little towns north of Montreal are a little slice of idyllic heaven.

    The scenery has been breathtaking, my only regret is I had to move so quickly, i didn't get to enjoy it more.

    Oh well, can't complain about the beautiful painting that I got to see all the way here.

    I am only 9.5 hours from my final destination of Truro, Nova Scotia, and am excited to see my family.

    I will have lots more to share when I get there...
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  • Dag 48


    3 augusti 2021, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Just outside of Halifax, is a waterpark that is fun and is challenging as you want to make it. With tons of things to balance on and lots of jumps from high platforms, not to mention trampolines that launch you high into the air.

    What i liked the most though was tossing my nephew off into the water when he tried to throw me.

    It was especially fun to do it all with the family, and it was a nice way to kick off the festivities before Marias wedding.

    Next we are off to glamping in Margaree in Cape Breton....
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  • Dag 48

    Pyramid falls

    3 augusti 2021, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    A 45 minute hike to the falls straight down a steep hill to a beautiful waterfall in the mountains.

    I climbed up the side to the top and found another pool twice as deep as the one below.

    What a beautiful spot to spend the afternoon.

    Loved the whole thing and it was even better with the family along.

    Ooh and found Chanterelle mushrooms in the hills beside the falls, brought alot of memories bubbling to the surface....
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  • Dag 55

    New Brunswick at the cottage

    10 augusti 2021, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    After traveling from the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton, I arrived at the cottage near Gagetown, New Brunswick.

    Theresa had planned some real cool adventures for us all and I was keen to participate.

    The festivities began with a campfire and some amazing singing from Greg and Avaline, i think that is how you spell it.

    The next day was full out madness. Starting with a survivor challenge first thing in the morning and culminating with a car trip to find hidden clues in nearby towns and villages.

    A great time was had by all, and the winners received awesome gifts that Theresa provided

    I love this part of the world and will be sad to leave....
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  • Dag 60

    The siege of Louisburg

    15 augusti 2021, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Today i hike the Louisburg lighthouse trail, it is way more than just a hike it is a portal into the ancient world. As you traverse across the rocky shoreline you are following in the footsteps of young soldiers who defended or attacked the fort almost 300 years ago!

    In 1758 the British under general James L wolfe laid siege to Louisburg. I saw the spot where they landed their artillery and attacked the outer defenses.

    Right offshore are 4 French warships languishing in a watery grave. It is hard to imagine the fiery madness that must have dominated the area.

    Imagine been a French defender and seeing the British fleet come into view. That is one truly special thing about this area, at anyone time a fog bank can roll in and obscure what sits even 20 feet in front of you.

    I see it this way. There was a heavy fog that kept the British fleet from landing right away. Then as the fog started to lift, the French defenders saw their worst nightmare a British armada just offshore, just out of reach of their heavy cannons.

    The French warships in dock immediately sprung into action to face their enemy. But they were outnumbered and outgunned and sunk to the ocean floor.

    Then the inevitable sunk in. It was only a matter of time until the English landed on shore and the Siege would begin. Once the outer protective batteries were gone the ships could pull into the harbour and bombard the fort itself it had to a horrific waiting game.

    I have no idea how long the siege went on for, but I imagine it must have took months.

    What a horrible feeling for the residents of the fort to see their future fate, and be incapable of doing anything about it...
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  • Dag 60

    Adventure by the sea shore

    15 augusti 2021, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    I am still at Louisburg lighthouse trail, but I am past the part with all the violent history. Or at least nowhere they thought significant to mark.

    Just because the story has stopped doesn't mean that the mystery is done.

    As I continue my hike I find private coves with just me and the Atlantic. The water is cold but warm compared to the frigid temperatures of the Pacific northwest.

    Nothing better than a cold dip on a hot day. As I continue the geology of the area, tells a tale of upheaval and transformation. I find rocks with deep striations from the ice that once invaded the landscape. The same iceage leaving huge boulders strewn about the land as if massive giants left their marbles behind.

    Walk a little further and see the twisting and shifting of the rock layers, tossed on their sides from the volcanic activity, that rocked the area billions of years ago.

    As i continue my journey by the seashore, i come upon an area where the volcanic activity and the action of the waves have created the perfect balance. I find numerous underwater caves.

    One in particular makes me think of the count of Monte Cristo, when he found the treasure in the sea cave. I want to see more but think better of entering such a dark and inhospitable environ.

    Finally to top everything off. I find a massive boulder, the size of a small building sitting beside the ocean. The rock is smooth and hard and the locals have bolted numerous routes for climbing.

    It would seem that adventure is to be found wherever you look.. .
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