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  • Day 28

    Camponaraya to Trabadelo

    May 11 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Aka… Kim’s bday hike, Aka… that time we climbed a mountain just for fun when we didn’t realize we had to climb another the next day. 😬

    Along with following way markers “the yellow arrows” we also rely on our trusty guide book and a few different phone apps. Sometimes you are given a possible alternate route, like the “choose your own adventure” books from our childhood.

    Today’s choices according to the app were…

    Door #1: The shorter route taken by most where pilgrims keep along the road which winds along the valley floor following the old national VI road, in the shadow of its replacement highway which soars above. The camino here is on paved asphalt, the old road surface, but is separated from the road by a barrier wall. There are numerous places where it crosses the road, and you are encouraged to watch out for traffic here; it is infrequent but speedy.

    Or Door #2: If we fancied a climb and a not too long (2k) detour. The way offers much better views with little to no traffic and it passes through a chestnut forest. Although the route via Pradela adds less than two kilometers of distance to the day, there is a significant amount of elevation gain/loss. The app also warns that “There may be an old woman there warning against the dangers of wolves, of traveling alone as a single woman, or any other strange and deranged reasons. Ignore her and carry on your merry way.”

    We chose door #2 for Kim’s bday. It was a beautiful day and we did not fancy another concrete road march. Little did we know that we were going waaaaaay up to walk along a mountain ridge line. The views were stunning and we only saw one other pilgrim our whole time on the mountain, well worth the extra effort.

    As we were enjoying pre dinner conversation and a cocktail we were told that the following day we would be greeted by one of our steepest climbs. To quote the app “ When the trail begins to climb again the path is rocky and steep and slick with mud and horse shit. Tread carefully and think happy thoughts.”

    Oops, in retrospect, maybe the days optional climb was not the best idea 😂, but we didn’t regret it.
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