Starting out at Salt Fork State Park

This is one of the nicest Ohio State Parks we have been too.
Our stay here is through the 6th
It is known for over 36 Big Foot sightings since late 1980's (latest one in 2020)
This is one of the nicest Ohio State Parks we have been too.
Our stay here is through the 6th
It is known for over 36 Big Foot sightings since late 1980's (latest one in 2020)
Nice morning hike, before it got too hot
Didn't find Big Foot!!
Largest display of Ohio White Tail Deer
Albino deer have pink eyes!
Megaloceros, Irish Elk, oldest ancestors of the White Tail Deer - his rack was 100lbs!!
Enjoying our last day at Salt Fork
Spent day walking around historic downtown Cambridge
Got some delicious chocolate at "Nothing but Chocolate " shop
Walked around an old cemetery - Revolutionary War,Read more
Nice day at the park
15 mile coastline along Lake Michigan
Walked the Dune Succession Trail - included 270+ steps - went from walking on sand then walking through a forest!
Also walked the PortageRead more
Fun hike on challenge!
It was a challenge climbing up - your feet completely sunk in the sand!
Got to see Chicago across Lake Michigan
Strong waves and riptides so no one was allowed in water, but nice relaxing afternoon sitting on beach 🌞
Followed by an evening around campfire!
Went on hike to Mt Tom with Naturalist Diana.
Very informative. Woodpeckers on Sassafras tree , Yellow-bellied sap suckered make lines of holes in trees.
Marram grass and cottonwood trees deep rootRead more
Aug 11-15
Thursday night concert at Blue Gate Preforming Arts Center seeing Triumphant Quartet and Karen Peck & New River
Friday having lunch with Stephanie and Fred - good to see them again
SaturdayRead more
Added another state to our map!
Another awesome beach.
Holland Harbor Lighthouse aka Big Red