  • Dia 25

    Being a tourist again

    13 de setembro de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    After spending the last few days catching up with my favorite American couple and getting to know little greyson, last night I decided today would be a good day to make it up in time to bum a lift with clay uptown and go do alllll the touristy things Charlotte had to offer....I love Charlotte, I could and would love tiki live is not a tourist town.

    I woke up just in time to make the school run and after a quick lap of's really not that big, I stopped for a decent southern breakfast, eggs, sausage, grits and biscuit....God I miss grits...for the English, picture a buttery, salty, sweet mess of porridge consistency goodness.

    Thought I would go check out discovery place, charlottes science museum, I enjoyed the natural world stuff, cool fish and frogs and stuff but I was about 25 years too old for the target demographic and skipped most of it except the rain forest talk.

    Met up with clay for lunch...just cos you know I didn't want him to feel left out.

    I thought in the afternoon it would be a good idea to go check out the NASCAR hall of fame...why...I'm not sure, never seen a NASCAR race in my life but, when in Rome...

    I actually thoroughly enjoyed the hall of fame, they had a ton of good exhibits, the cars were pretty cool and I had a really fun afternoon....

    So touristy stuff done, I'm back to hanging out with my peeps and chilling with the world's cutest puppy
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