  • Hari 158

    Kate Butcher - a friend from PNG

    6 Disember 2019, England ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    We had a v early start to the day dropping mum and pete off at the train station for a day away at 7.30am. It was dark and absolutely pouring with rain as we headed south down to Marazion.
    It was way too early to meet up with Kate Butcher so we found ourselves in the only place open - Sainsbury’s cafe!
    If that wasn’t bad enough they didn’t have any teacakes- not a crime in itself..... but it’s situated in a massive supermarket!!! How about someone pops downstairs a gets a couple of packets off the shelves to serve to the customers??!!!
    Still pouring down we drove to Marazion and parked the car up a back road so we were nearer to Kate’s house where we were due to meet.
    On arriving we found her cottage finally and knocked on all 3 doors repeatedly, called several times to no avail- we were slightly worried as we had only called an hour before surely she couldn’t have forgotten in an hour? We were now soaked through but with still no answer we headed into the village.... and there she was in the charity shop!!! She said she had expected us to park in the car park and walk past her!!!
    A coffee at her lovely cottage was followed by a drink overlooking the sea at Praa Sands and then lunch in the Vic Inn at Perranuthanoe.
    It was lovely to catch up including on her recent trip to NZ.
    4pm saw us pic up my nephew Alfie and after an unsuccessful attempt to get a Xmas tree it was home for dinner.
    I’ve left Alfie home about to have a soak in the bath which he loves and I’m picking up mum and pete.
    Baca lagi