Canada and Alaska

agosto - setembro 2019
Making the dream a reality Leia mais
  • 42pegadas
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  • 22dias
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  • 34,0kquilômetros
  • 28,0kquilômetros
  • Dia 6


    4 de setembro de 2019, Canadá ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    Yet another day of sightseeing, starting with breakfast then a wander around The Castle. On the coach and off to see Bow Falls, Tunnel Mountain & Surprise Corner. This is where the designer of The Castle meditated to get a sense of where The Castle should be built. What a magical place.
    Off to see the HOODOO’s. Once again another beautiful location.
    Police and Parks personnel were there, so mum got a picture with them. We didn’t know an old man was missing-poor thing had dementia. It wasn’t until we were leaving we were told I asked to look at a photo - Lachlan & I had walked passed him & his dog... what a nice feeling being able to give the location so a family could be reunited 💕

    We headed in to town and were dropped off - guess what for? To do the washing 🤣
    While that was happening we wandered around town, it’s very pretty and very touristy, with lots of photo opportunities (by the way mum got on the saddle all by herself 😂). Found the Mounted Police shop and mum picked up a couple of patches.
    More walking and beautiful sunshine, such a pleasant place.
    Washing’s all done so now we jumped on a local bus and headed out of town to find the Swiss Village Hotel. This was where dad stayed in 1977. The place is pretty tired but clean, yet another crossing of paths 42 years apart. We take a few photos and we hopped back on the bus and headed back into town. Feeling a bit peckish we let Lachlan pick the location for lunch.... Macca’s it is 😁
    The burgers taste the same but the drinks are quite floury. Back on the public bus and up the hill to the castle... time to relax a little..... or is something else on the cards?????

    Yet another fabulous day making memories
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  • Dia 6


    4 de setembro de 2019, Canadá ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Yet another surprise for mum. A guided tour through the Fairmont Banff Springs kitchen by head chef Alexandre LaFleur.
    He walked us through both front and back of house, his team are friendly and hard working. Alexandre and mum are exchanging war stories and Lachlan and I are taken along for this magical experience.

    We get to the end and at this point we thought we’d be escorted out but no, there’s a task mum needs to do, fill profiteroles.

    What an experience. This then turns into our afternoon tea, Alexandre then seats us at the best table in the house, tea & coffee arrives followed by a little present and another birthday card. Mum is almost bought to tears from shear joy.

    Now that’s how you make memories 💕
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  • Dia 7

    Castle to Chateau

    5 de setembro de 2019, Canadá ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

    What a way to spend a Birthday, waking up in a Castle - the beautiful Banff Springs. We start the morning leisurely making our way from Banff to Lake Moraine. But not before everyone on the tour song happy Birthday 🥳.

    The surroundings are beautiful at the Lake so we sit and just take it all in. A few people are in canoes but we just sit on the bank in complete awe of Mother Nature - GORGEOUS

    Back on the coach and we head into the village of Bow River - and no, Ian Moss is not there singing.
    We take the time to get some lunch and wander through the handful of shops.

    Back on the coach and it’s the long 8 minute drive to Lake Louise. Beautiful surroundings and the Chateau is very grand. Standing in the foyer we see the lake through the window - WOW 😲

    We head outside and sit in the gardens to take it all in. Photos will never do justice to the magnificent place.

    Dinner is booked in the Fairview restaurant..... but before we’re able to relax and think about dinner we’re told there’s something organised for the Birthday girl.

    Executive Chef Jean-Francois gave mum (and Lachlan & I) the tour of his kitchens & banquet rooms. What a massive operation. Anywhere between 5,000 & 10,000 covers per day, plus 700 staff - now that’s a lot of mouths to feed.
    It’s an old Chateau which has fabulous old world charm. Magnificent

    What a day so far.... making memories.
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  • Dia 7

    Birthday Dinner

    5 de setembro de 2019, Canadá ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    What would a Birthday be without a dinner to remember.
    Lachlan suited up and escorted his Grandma to dinner. We were seated close to the window facing the Lake. Very little conversation initially as we were too busy staring at the view (after the sun moved).

    Food was lovely & a nice bottle of wine to match.

    Birthday cake went missing but we’re assured it will be delivered in the morning.
    Cake for breakfast anyone???

    More memories to treasure.
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  • Dia 8

    Better late than never

    6 de setembro de 2019, Canadá ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    Cakes arrived!!!!!!
    Along with the obligatory pot of tea.
    And a beautiful sunrise to boot.

  • Dia 8

    On the road again

    6 de setembro de 2019, Canadá ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

    We’re spending the day making our way to Jasper. Via the National Parks. As normal there’s rocks & trees and trees & rocks, sorry, the tour guide played a song and they were the only words - apart from the chorus “and water”.

    First stop of the morning was Bow Summit. Beautiful gorgeous blue lake, fed by Bow River.... didn’t see Ian Moss here either 😂.

    Next stop was Athabasca Glacier - Wow, what an experience. Photos just don’t do justice to this magnificent place. Wasn’t as cold as expected - that was until the wind picked up 🥶

    Athabasca Falls was next on the agenda, the falls are only 23 metres high but still quite stunning. Mum enjoyed the bench and rays while Lachlan and I wandered down to the falls.

    There was a few slow down points fir roads works but other wise it was s dress free day.

    We did a quick drive through Jasper on our way to our accommodation and drove right past “whistler inn” this is were dad stayed on his tour, we’ll be back in the morning for a better look.

    Off to our accommodation to see what surprises await us today.
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  • Dia 8

    Birthday surprises continue

    6 de setembro de 2019, Canadá ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    We arrive at Jasper Park Lodge, room keys are issued & we’re dying to get settled. I’m a little confused because there’s two different room numbers. Maybe we have adjoining rooms???? Not quite, we’ve been upgraded to a two bedroom, 3 bathroom, lounge with lake views villa..... OMG 😲
    Then I spy a fruit & cheese platter and a couple of bottles of wine. Pity we’re not here longer, we could really go a nice quite sit at the lake. Watch the world go by.....
    While I’m dreaming of all things peaceful the phone rings, it’s the front desk - Mrs Sloan, executive chef Christopher (didn’t catch the surname) is waiting for you in the lobby, he wishes for you to tour the facility...... um - ok....

    These kitchens that were like rabbit warren’s all through the building. And they service 72 acres of facilities, today there were 5 weddings & a golf tournament on, Chris took time out of his day for mum.... I personally believe he was just tickled pink that someone was wanting to see into his world.

    No sooner was the tour over that we only had enough time to change and head off for dinner at Moose’s Nook - steak house. Wow the food was delicious.

    Back to the room for a nice cuppa with our dinner guests from the tour - Maria & Adina. Two Italian ladies that had us in hysterics all night.

    What a sensational day, travelling miles & making memories. 💕
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  • Dia 9

    Fun filled day ahead

    7 de setembro de 2019, Canadá ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    Up early to see the sun break over the mountains - stunning

    Head out to Maligne Overlook, a little brisk but the scenery is also stunning.

    Back on the coach and off to Jasper - first stop, Whistlers Inn. It’s had a tissy up but not much has changed - still that very 70’s feel. Speaking to our coach driver Heather this is where she & other drivers stay when they’re on tour. The tradition lives on.

    Secret Naval Base in Jasper - 1940’s

    Little bit of souvenir shopping (another fridge magnet for me). Back on the coach for our trip to Mt Robson. (3,954 mt) highest peak in the Rockies.

    OMG - there’s an Elk on the side of the road..

    Lunch is at Blue River, then we’re straight onto a “catamaran” - it just looks like 2 boats strapped together. It was sea worthy enough 😳. So out onto the lake we go, the whole time scouring the bank for wildlife. We had a brilliant sunny day so our day of wildlife discovery turned in to a lovely cruise around the lake.... bit of natural vitamin D was the order of the afternoon.

    Back on the bus for the next leg of our journey- afternoon tea @ Painted Turtle. It was an RV park @ Dutch Lake.

    Last leg before we settle in at Sun Peaks.

    Very big day on the coach - we did some miles today.
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  • Dia 10

    Scenic Route

    8 de setembro de 2019, Canadá ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Last night the heavens opened so this morning we’re greeted with low cloud and grey skies. Liquid Sunshine 🌧
    Sun Peak Village still looks pretty.

    Not so much of a problem as we’re pushing through to Whistler only stopping for morning tea & lunch.

    The change in weather has really changed the scenery, the cloud is so low it looks like fairy floss strung through the trees.

    Our tour guide Caterina took it upon herself to be our entertainment - singing and dancing in the aisle of the coach. Very funny, really made the time pass quickly.

    We stopped at a quaint property for morning tea where the scones, pies & sausage rolls had literally just come out of the oven - OMG, they were yummy 🤤

    Back on the coach and we head for Lillooet for lunch - I swear all we do is eat. Then we get off the coach to find we’ve parked across the road from the RCL (Canadian version of the RSL). It’s not open but mum spied a women heading in. So what do we do?
    Follow her in of course. Eunis was lovely to talk to, she asked us to sign the book and gave us guest ribbons. We had a quick look around then left her so she could get ready for today’s meeting.

    We continued the not so scenic drive through the rain and made it to Whistler in amazing time - our driver Heather is a star....

    We have enough time to check in then head off for yet another kitchen tour, Lachlan passed on this one.
    Sous Chef Matthew gave us the tour - one thing different here is they grow their own herbs & some vegetables. We met and chatted with Executive Chef Isabel Chung, she runs a very tight ship. Off down to the bakery to meet executive pastry chef Annup, I almost didn’t hear what he said because all I could smell was muffins, danish & all things pastry 🤤

    What a fabulous facility, so pleased we had the opportunity to see the mechanics of it all.

    Chef convinced us to head to his restaurant for dinner - let’s see what he has in store for us....

    More food I’m sure
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  • Dia 10

    Dinner in Whistler

    8 de setembro de 2019, Canadá ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    So we followed Chef Matt’s suggestion and ate in hotel restaurant, the meals were magnificent. Mum just wanted cold prawns, they weren’t on the menu, but the chef made a plate any way. Lachlan had a New York steak & I had a rib eye steak.....
    We waddled back to the room to find mums birthday is still continuing - wine & dessert have been placed in the room & the beds turned down .......

    Wonder what the poor people are doing???? 😊
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