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  • Dzień 16

    Storms River

    29 kwietnia, Afryka Południowa ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Today we headed back to the Titsikamma Nature Reserve and the mouth of the Storms River for or kayaking and Lili trip. The weather changed from sunny to cloudy when we arrived at the meeting point for the kayaking. We changed into wet suits before embarking on our trip. Initially we paddled across the sea to the mouth of the river then we turned towards the suspension bridge before paddling under towards the steep sided gorge. On our way up the gorge we passed a couple of caves, one with cormorants singing in and one with bats whistling. Before long we were met by a rock barrier which was the dam between the sea and the fresh river water. Even hammerhead sharks swim up to this point which is teeming with 82 species of fish. We parked our kayaks and clambered over the rocks where inflatable lilos were waiting for us. These enabled us to access the very narrow upper reachers of the river by paddling with our arms.
    After a few brave souls jumped into the river from high in the gorge we returned to the parked kayaks and paddled back to the start point.
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