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  • Dia 21

    Notten’s Day 2

    4 de maio, África do Sul ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    This morning we were awoken by a gentle knock on the door for us to get ready for our first morning game drive. It was still dark and just a chink of light in the sky. A quick warm drink was offered in the bar before we climbed back onto the jeep to start the trip. The sun rose rapidly but it remained chilly for at least an hour before the sun warmed up enough for us to remove coats. Very quickly we came across a single female hyena who was heavily pregnant. Soon after she led us to a large pack of hyena we observed the pack playing together before continuing our journey through the bush. We didn’t see much more for a while so stopped to stretch our legs and have hot drinks and biscuits next to a private runway with a tiny terminal building with toilets! Once we were back on the road we came across a white Rhino, trotting along the dirt road. The rhino was tracking other rhinos and following their scented trail so soon left the track and moved into the bush and we followed off road in the jeep. Rhino horns are removed in Kruger to prevent them being poached. After a short while following the rhino we spotted an elephant grazing on a tree. We observed the elephant for quite a long time as he slowly demolishing the tree and learned about the reason bull elephants do this. On our way back to the bush camp we came across a herd of water buffalo. They were covered with ticks and flies but the Oxpeckers were feasting on them hopping around their skin. Back to Notten’s for a delicious two course breakfast in the summer house.
    Not long after breakfast we joined a bush walk with a local guide carrying a rifle. We were briefed about walking in single file in the bush behind the guide and that he would use his rifle to protect us if necessary. We had a lovely 1.5 hour walk, looking at the local plants and trees and learning about how the indigenous people used them in their medicine and practical lives. We saw a monitor lizard, an Aardvark burrow and a collection of bones from dead animals including elephants and water buffalo.
    After the walk there was just time for a swim in the pool before lunch.
    The afternoon game drive this evening was a quiet one with not much around to watch, however it was great to be driven around the bush as the light faded and the sun set. The sundowner drinks were a great opportunity to watch the sunset over the African countryside admire the southern night sky and to chat to our guides and other camp guests. Returning to the camp to freshen up and dinner followed in due course.
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