  • Dag 7

    Walking the Cinque Terre trail

    23 augusti 2019, Italien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We head off in our gym gear at 11.30am to find the start of the Cinque Terre trail.
    I am so pumped for this.

    Through the tunnel up the hill and off from Monterosso we go.


    Athena stops at some steep downward steps.
    She tells me she can't do it.
    She is afraid of heights.

    (As this is not the first time Athena has pulled out at the last minute on me, due to her fear, whilst adventuring, I say ok I will see you at the hotel. and I simply turn around and just keep walking)

    I did look back to check if she made it down the steps. And sure enough she had. I walk back and ask are you coming then, she says yes.

    Off we go, I am so excited, the first part is very steep, lots of steps, straight up. A good glutes workout.

    However, our adventure turned out to be very slow going.

    So what is mean't to be a 1.5 hour trek turned out for us to be a 4. 5 hour trek.

    That woman was a mess. Shaking. She clung to the rock walls and the shrubbery like her life depended on it.

    In the end she clung to my hand or arm or top whenever the skinny path became open. She never once looked out at the glorious view.

    I did just wanted to walk freely, but was not allowed to just leave her stranded.

    The track was beautiful. Very steep with stone steps along the way. Thin pathways, enough for one person to get through.

    People were walking dogs, one lady had her baby strapped to her back. The walk was easy once you got up higher. The ocean to our right heading to Vernazza would pop out you.
    I'd say 'wow Athena, look at that' but no dice.

    As we went so slowly, I never even broke a sweat.

    We walked through vineyards, between rock walls, over bridges with waterfalls.
    A cat sanctuary sits in the middle for homeless cats. I was sad here.

    4 hours walking a difficult trail in the heat, whilst 'pulling' someone along whom is scared to death, now that deserves a bourban at the end.

    Many hikers passed us. and we would ask how much further. They would tell us 30 mins, which for us translated to 2hrs.

    Honestly, with Athena wearing dark sunnies, it looked like I was leading a blind person over the trail.

    After much trial. We hear the noise of people from the town.

    And the view of Vernazza, is before us.
    HELLO VERNAZZA!!! You beautiful thing xx

    I would walk this trail again, anytime. Even with Athena xx
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