  • Gün 153

    New year's eve in Udaipur

    31 Aralık 2019, Hindistan ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    From warm South India and after a 17-hour-night-bus we arrived in cold Rajasthan. I thought it would be the first year of my life that I could skip a winter buuuut nope haha Udaipur received us with Hamburg-like 12°C. At least for Mandy, who came to travel with us a after almost 5 months without seeing each other, there was no need of acclimatization. Together with many locals and travelers we celebrated 2020!

    We were excited to be in one of the richest regions of India, culturally speaking.
    We spent the days roaming around observing those particular people with rough facial expressions, warm smiles and extremely colourful clothes :)

    Eventhough beautiful, the centre is a very crowded and noisy city, so we rented some bikes and cycled around the suburbs of Udaipur. Luckily we found Animal Aid, an animal sanctuary that takes care of sick, injured or handicapped animals. Dogs in this country aren't treated very well, they are constantly involved in accidents, or they suffer abuses from the local communities. Cows are holy and for that fact can't be killed even they are sick and in pain (e.g. ecause of eating tons of plastics). So thanks to projects like this, animals get a second chance. More about this lovely project on:
    Okumaya devam et