Departure Day

After months of planning we are ready to leave for a summer in Europe. We will explore and soak up places on our bucket list (Greece, Spain and Scotland) and try the new experience of sailing acrossRead more
After months of planning we are ready to leave for a summer in Europe. We will explore and soak up places on our bucket list (Greece, Spain and Scotland) and try the new experience of sailing acrossRead more
First leg of our trip East. Excited to finally get started after the months of planning! Stop in Denver, then on to LaGuardia airport and the next couple of nights we are in staying in Brooklyn.Read more
We spent the day exploring and enjoying a bit of Brooklyn. We walked through some beautiful tree line streets with rows of Brownstone Houses, spent some time enjoying spring flowers at the BrooklynRead more
Today we boarded the Queen Mary 2 for a 9 day Atlantic crossing to Hamburg, Germany. The QM2 is a true ocean liner that had its maiden voyage 20 years ago. Unfortunately it is a rainy, grey, and coldRead more
We are half-way through our voyage and we are enjoying the overall experience on the ship. There are a lot of activities throughout the day - lectures, performances, art classes, and many specialRead more
Attached are a few more photos and descriptions from our time on the ship. Today, we had a day in port in Southampton (will post about that shortly) and tonight we leave for Hamburg, Germany (someRead more
We decided to get off the ship in Southampton for a few hours. We checked out a historic Tudor home/museum/garden, walked thru the old village a bit, popped into a bookstore (because we can’t resistRead more
This morning we disembarked from the QM2 in Hamburg Germany. We are only here for a day/night, but still trying to explore a little before we fly down to Corfu Greece tomorrow. We had a great walkingRead more
We had a couple of hours before we had to go to the airport so we decided to go back to two places our walking tour guide pointed out as deserving a visit. First, St Nicholai Church, whose spire wasRead more
3 bags each for 3 months! [Cal]
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