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  • 18huellas
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  • 377kilómetros
  • Día 11

    Pältsastugan, Rostahytta

    26 de agosto de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Greeted by the sun after a cold night. That new sleeping pad is too cold. As expected. Put my thinlite on top, that helped, tomorrow I’ll also put my backpack on top for my feet. I left the doors of the tent open so I could watch the scenery, that made it even colder than it had to be but it was totally worth it.

    How nice and easy it is when everything is perfectly dry. Didn’t even have condensation over night. After a week of rain you learn to appreciate.
    Just my sleeping bag still has condensation by its foot end. I wonder what the physics behind that is.

    I’m still in my tent. Did I mention, I hate that moment when packing up and there is nothing left to do other than leaving your sleeping bag?

    Once I made over the first hills I discovered that there was fresh snow over night and now all the higher mountains have a cute frosting.

    Talked for an hour with the host at Pältsastuga. Fun guy. From Finland. Shortly after met a Norwegian hiker that I talked to for quite a while and not much later a German hiker. Markus from Freiburg, YouTuber as Fernwanderer and on his way to Nordkap. Very concerned about the weather because he packed a too cold sleeping bag.

    Still made it all the way close to Rostashytta and found an amazing tent spot. Mosquitoes outside are waiting to eat me but they sit on the wrong side of the tent (where it’s closed today!)…
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  • Día 12


    27 de agosto de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    This day was a blast. I woke up late, sun was out and shining and started hitting the tent. I had a shitload of condensation so I decided to wait and take it slow so things could dry up. Also who knows when it will be that nice again? I slept a bit more and left around nine. It’s gonna be a tough day. A step and endless climb back above tree line. First scarce vegetation than slowly fading towards none. Sheer endless fields of rocks, boulders and scree. And no cloud in the sky.
    It truly felt like alpine territory. The way down wasn’t less steep and challenging. Took me eight hours for those 17 km to the cabin. Did another 4km and called it a day.
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  • Día 13


    28 de agosto de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Got up early. Thick clouds replaced yesterday’s sunshine. Mountains invisible behind layers of fog. But it’s easy walking. Until it gets wet. The trail leads straight through a swamp. Mud everywhere. Soon there’s a stream crossing that I use as an opportunity to clean out shoes and socks again. What follows is the steepest up- and downhill of the trail so far. And right into Dividalen which is a gem on its own. Everything lush and green. First birches, then large pine trees. It feels amazing. You walk right next to gigantic waterfalls and canyons. And then the sun comes out. One last time?
    Found a spot right next to the river. And decided to have my first, small campfire on trail.
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  • Día 14

    Vuomajauri, Gaskavaggi

    29 de agosto de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Another wet night. Dew is dripping from my inner tent. Sleeping bag wet on the outside. I’ll have a slow start I just decided. Despite everything.

    Those shoes I chose this time are not the right ones for me (Altra Lone Peak). After 20km my arches and heels hurt like crazy, this way it’s almost impossible to do a lot more than 25. And that’s the minimum I calculated with food wise. I’d love to be able to do more so I have more flexibility in choosing camp spots. Then I wouldn’t get soaked every time.

    Also weather forecast looks horrible and I’m really worried. I might have to give up and not even reach Abisko.
    But for now the sun is shining and I’ll take it slow so maybe some stuff gets a chance to dry up a little.

    Met some people I joined for a while. A German couple who come up here for ages. Had some nice talks. At Vuomahyttan I said goodbye and set on for the next pass over to Gaskavaggi. Weather got worse. Cloudy, windy and even a slight drizzle at times. That pass was terrible. It’s this kind of thing where you think “ah, back there is the top” and once you’re there you see it’s yet another eternity away. And this repeats at least five times until you either scream or just cry. The way down was no better to say the least. All of that over kilometers and kilometers of scree.

    My feet are sore, my legs burn. I stop at the first good opportunity just before the final descend into the valley to avoid another wet and cold night. All good.
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  • Día 15

    Altevatnet, pt 1

    30 de agosto de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Another lazy morning. Managed to spill my pot of boiling water. Guess it had to happen one day. Treated feet with Voltaren. Let’s see. It’s drizzling on and off. Not persuading me to leave. Doing some chores instead. Want to make it to that little village by the northern end of the lake to get internet, check weather and then decide what to do. There be a campground where I could hunker down for some days of rest. Maybe.

    But then …
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  • Día 15

    Altevatnet pt2, Salvassvággi

    30 de agosto de 2021, Noruega ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Weather was a lot better than expected, lots of sunshine in the morning made me hike those 12km to Altevass in no time. There I met Simon from Schweinfurth coming the other way. Immediately he had to inquire about my oh so small backpack, couldn’t believe this is “fine” since his is almost three times the weight and he cares just what’s needed out here and also it carries so well that it is not a problem for him since he’s trained and fit (congrats) and heavy boots like his are a must have anyway.

    ANYWAY, I could ask him about the conditions on the last pass before Abisko and since he said, they would be fine and that there are good spots to camp I decided to push on.
    It was an easy enough walk back into the mountains, decided to not go to high up in case of a storm and made it still far enough so that tomorrow won’t be too hard anymore.

    My left Achilles’ tendon still hurts. Ouch.
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  • Día 16

    Bardu my ass

    31 de agosto de 2021, Suecia ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    Wind calmed down over night and so I could get some decent sleep. Until the very early morning when winds picked up again and started to rattle on my tent more and more vigorously. To a point where I got seriously scared. So I opted for a quick breakfast and started to pack up.
    I made a plan. I had two options. Back out of this storm and go back to the last settlement where there would have been some sort of hikers retreat some kilometers away or push through. Go over the last pass and make it to the valley over at Torneträsk. A 14km stretch to the Norwegian cabin (which are all closed due to Covid), or 17 to the one on the Swedish side. That meant going all the way probably without a chance for a stop. I dressed warm, my fleece, a hat, gloves and waterproof socks, rain pants and jacket. Will it be enough? I have to keep moving, otherwise hypothermia would come at me fast.
    The decision was already made, I didn’t want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere when weather would get even worse the coming days, and so I got out of the tent just to see that two of the stakes had already loosened dangerously and were more like dangling than anything. The tent shaped like a banana. Seems I made the right call to leave early and tear down the tent myself before the wind does.

    So I started hiking towards Sweden. Some kilometers in and I realized the conditions were just as bad as I imagined in my worst scenario. But I kept on hiking and soon I made it past the point where turning around would still have made any sense. Sometimes the wind was so strong I struggled to stay on my legs. Hard rain and hail followed each other and the wind made sure it landed straight in my face.
    But then there were some corners where it was just completely calm miraculously. Sometimes the clouds would open up and allow me a glimpse of what I was walking through, a deep canyon, ravines, glaciers and sometimes even parts of those impressive mountains. Sometimes I could even spot some blue in the sky or even spot the sun peeking through. And just a minute later icy rain would slap me right in the face again.
    After four hours and a while going downhill I spotted the first parts of Torneträsk and I knew I had made it. Hard to describe that feeling when a somewhat risky plan works out. A mix of relief, joy, pride and hope.
    Seeing it from up there Torneträsk looks gigantic. It’s so big it’s hard to fathom. You feel like a tiny ant.

    I stopped by the Norwegian hut but of course it was closed, so 3 more to the next. Pålmostugan is an old moldy, wet, cold and dark cabin. Not really inviting you for a stay. If you made a fire it sure would reveal its charm but not for me this time. So I didn’t stay longer than I needed. Just eat and rest my legs for a while. If I just made it to the highway I could probably make it all the way to Abisko. What’s 22km more if you just made 17, right? And so …

    To my big dismay the trail down to E10 is just horrors. The Swedish maps I have are not detailed enough and so it looked like an easy walk on flat terrain. Instead you’re climbing up and down, up and down through steep birch forest. And everything you think this was the last effing hill there’s yet another waiting for you. No chance to camp anywhere around here. Except for one spot maybe.

    Once I reached E10 it’s just another short stretch through the forest and you reach some sort of ATV track that more or less leads you all the way to Abisko. My feet burn, my heels ache but the promise of a fabulous breakfast next morning kept me going.
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  • Día 19

    Good bye fjällen

    3 de septiembre de 2021, Suecia ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    After three days of rest I booked a ticket back home. Strained my lower left calf and it just won’t get any better. Makes no sense to either wait even longer nor continue with my planned tour. Sad on the one hand but on the other there’s more left to discover the following years.Leer más