Tasting the delights the East Coast has to offer Meer informatie
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  • Dag 11

    New Orleans Day 2

    18 juni 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    After a lovely lie in we hit the streets of New Orleans, taking the riverside walk to the end of the French Quarter. It was a sweltering day so we quickly grabbed breakfast at a little mini mart then took shelter in shade on the tram stop. I had a fresh strawberry jam donut while dad had a couple of pastries. For my first donut in the US it was a hit, very light and fluffy and packed full of jam.

    We made a plan to stroll up and down the long streets of the French quarter, visiting the fam our Bourbon Street and Royal Street. This was the true feel of New Orleans that I expected, with the picturesque buildings, the iron wrung balconies and the smooth sounds of jazz breaking through the hum every so often. As it was mid thirties degrees, another drink stop was in need, so we grabbed a powerade each to restore our electrolytes. The grape powerade was nice and refreshing, much better than grape Fanta.

    It was getting towards 3pm so we stopped at another minimart got some fried chicken and headed back to the hotel for a rest and cool down. Unfortunately I googled map us to the wrong hilton hotel but luckily it was so hot out than the chicken was still warm when we got to the right hotel ten minutes later. The Louisiana chicken tenders were a perfect balance of soft juicy inside with a dry spicy crunchy skin.

    We headed back out just after 6pm and walked the main more commercial road. It was great for sightseeing with a whole host of characters going about their evening. On our way back down the main street we came across a Chinese. Prices looked reasonable and there was people in eating which is always a good sign. I ordered a chicken chop suey which came with boiled rice ($7) and dad ordered a combo meal - sweet n sour chicken with pork fried rice and an egg spring roll. We both really enjoyed our meals, you got a lot of good and neither of us finished our rice. My chop suey sauce was light, the veg crisp and fresh and the chicken was nice and tender. All in all it was a good shout by Dad.

    I then left Dad in the casino while I went back to organise for tomorrow and have a chill night to rest my weary legs ready for tomorrow's adventure.
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  • Dag 12


    19 juni 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    We were treated for another lie in today with a 9am coach depart time. We finished off the grapes and cereal bars on the way to our first stop. The house of the creators of Coca-Cola. The house was kept as a museum with all the features and furnishings from the time, the gardens were gorgeous. With rose gardens and a beautiful pond overlooking the huge lake where a speedboat was powering past. We explored the grounds a bit, finding another smaller lake that was home to an alligator. We definitely saw something in the water but we couldn't tell well it was 100% a gator. What we did see was plenty of spiders, huge ones, all different colourings and menacing looking, in fact the webs covered the entrance to the oriental gardens so I decided to give that a miss and head to lunch.

    Lunch was in the cafe at the house, I had a toasted turkey sandwich and dad went for bbq pork bun. I was hoping it was the best sandwich of my life after dad tipped $5 and to be fair it was pretty good. It was packed full of meat and I ended up giving a quarter of it to Dad.

    Next it was back on the coach until we arrived in our final state - Flordia. We stopped at the visitor centre and had a sample of Floridas orange juice, it was sweet and smooth, a much needed refreshment from travelling.

    The coach pulled up at the marriott by courtyard at 3pm and we were given the opportunity to go to Pensacola beach, an offer we could not refuse. So after a quick change and sharing a blueberry kitkat (weirdly nice) we were back on the coach. The beach was lovely with soft white sand and warm waters. Dad dived in but I opted for a paddle. We did a quick loop around the beach before it was time to go.

    Back at the hotel I had a peruse of the various eating establishments and seeing as it was fathers day I settled on Dennys Diner, a step up from fast food. The interior was purposefully 70s, which gave it an outdated feel, but the quality of the food was very good. Our waitress was very nice and recommended that I had the country gravy with my steak, mash and brocoli. I can't quite describe the taste but it was nice if a little creamy. The steak was cooked to perfection, nice and juicy and not chewy at all. It came with toasted baguette which was a welcome if unexpected addition. Dad went for a bourbon chicken sizzler complete with potatoes and veg, the sauce was sweet and sticky and he got his with toast. While it's not something you'd ever think of ordering together he also agreed it was a welcome addition.

    After the walk back to the hotel we stopped at a dollar general and got stocked up with items for tomorrow. Then we cracked out the Uno, along with a couple of brews and some chocolate. I can't say that it was an even competition, apart from one game, dad dominated all rounds and ended on 500 points exactly. It was a great evening full of laughs
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  • Dag 13


    20 juni 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    The morning past with a good read of my book with along with a mandarin fruit cup, cereal bar and a cup of coffee. There was nothing of interest at the morning rest stop but always nice to stretch your legs. It was going to be a later lunch so we shared a packet of salt & vinegar Lays to keep us going.

    Lunch was at a food court in a shopping mall. I chose the small chicken philly cheesestake with fries, it was pretty good and I'm glad I got to try one on this trip. Dad went for a Chinese combo meal but the spiciness of one of the chicken dishes defeated him.

    200 pages of my book later we arrived at Orlando. First impression from the hotel from outside was good but inside there was definitely a musty smell. After having a discussion on what to do for tonight, I noticed that the shuttle bus for Disney springs didn't run for the day but would set off in 20 mins time. We decided to go for it, rushing down to the lobby. Unfortunately the bus was 45 mins late so didn't arrived until 7.30 but finally we were off. Disney Springs was a lot like turkeys Land of Legends, a full shopping complex with various photo opportunities. After a walk through the main shops bit we picked 'The perfect pig' to eat as it was fast moving service. I got the chicken salad wrap which was absolutely huge. While I appreciate bits of nuts and dried fruit in it, the sauce was really tangy, I tried to mop most of it off but I gave up and passed it over to dad. He only have a few bites before leaving the sauce soaked ends. He enjoyed his meal, a smoky turkey sandwich. We soon scoffed up and marched off to make sure we saw all of the park. It looked like a show was about to start but unfortunately we had to leave to catch the shuttle bus back. We were glad that we had managed to get there as it was a nice experience
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  • Dag 14

    Orlando Day 2

    21 juni 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    After a glorious lie in we had a breakfast of mandarin fruit cup and cereal bar before heading down to old town. Old Town was not what we expected (an old part of town) but rather a little theme park. While we didn't partake in any of the rides we had a nosey about the shops.

    The day was heating up and we were ready for a drink so crossed the road to the Mcdonalds. I got a sugar free vanilla iced coffee while day got a large coffee. I noticed on the receipt that if you completed a survey you got a free bakery item. Absolute winner! I filled it in and we shared a blueberry muffin.

    The next couple of hours were spent walking back the road checking out all the gifts shops and supermarkets. I gave Dad the option for lunch for either buying a sandwich for having our last $5 Wendy meal deal and that's what he picked. It was as good as it was in New York. We then headed towards a 7/Eleven to grab drinks for the tonight and breakfast for tomorrow. Dad noticed there was a supermarket next door so we decided to check that out instead.

    The supermarket was a bit more upmarket so when I suggested we buy tea in so that we could eat at the hotel (incase we went Disney springs again or went to the pool) I was worried the prices were too high here but Dad had spotted a salad there he fancied trying (shocking I know!!!) so we both got salads and a few bits.

    Once we were back at the hotel the sun was shining and shrieks were coming from the pool so we simultaneously decided to go for a swim. It was a great pool with a slide and a waterfall, we had a swim, took a few videos for the girls and had some good chats with a couple of others from the tour. It was 7pm before the sun went in and we headed back up. We had our salads (the candied nuts absolutely made it! ) along with a packet of sour cream & onion crisps. The night was still young was it was time for a rematch of uno. This time it was me who absolutely smashed Dad, the luck was definitely with me for that round. Not one to give it, Dad suggested another round and this time the luck had shifted back to him and he won that round.
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  • Dag 15

    Kennedy Space Center - Miami

    22 juni 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    It was an early 7.45am start to get to Kennedy Space Center for 9am opening. We had our usual coffee, banana and cereal bar on the coach before arriving. After a tenseful 15mins stood outside which there was a dispute with the tickets we were finally allowed entry.
    Kennedy Space Center was amazing, and that's coming from someone who isn't a huge space/aircraft nerd. After a short video presentation the doors opened to the original Atlantic spacecraft, it was epic. The whole center was a great balance of information, interaction and just coolness. The simulator was one of my best parts, to experience exactly what the astronauts do. The size of the aircrafts were beyond comprehension. We both agreed we could've spent a whole day there. In fact we wanted to experience it so much we decided to skip lunch and wait.
    It was 3.15pm before we stopped again but luckily there was a full food court there. I got a multi grain club sandwich and had a hot orginal Earl of sandwich. My bread tasted very buttery like the long live bread that Americans have so much. The coffee was very nice. Dad enjoyed his even though he did make a bit of a mess eating his on the coach.
    We arrived at the Miami Hotel at 6.40 and was told there was a happy hour on until 7pm. We definitely didn't want to miss out on that so we dumped our bags and hurried to the bar. It was free vodka and mixer so I got 1 vodka and cranberry and 1 vodka, diet coke which dad got 2 of for himself. The Welsh couple (Di & Malcolm?) and the other English couple (Pam & Phil) also came down for it so we made a group. It was a really nice evening, getting to know them and having good convo about both the trip and life back home. Its a shame it was on the last night but it was still nice to do. We were all enjoyed it so much we bought another drink each after (even tho it cost a fortune - $25!!). By 8 o clock we all went our separate ways to find some food to soak up the double measures.

    Me and dad both feeling a bit tipsy at this point walking along the main road until we came to a Dennys. We were served by an attentive Chad who sounded like a New Yorker. Dad went for the same as last time but I tried the wheat pancakes with egg, bacon & fruit. It was amazing, the bacon was crispy, the pancakes fluffy and the fruit fresh. It was too much though and I took home a pancake. We had 3 cups of decaf coffee each. Well worth the $33 dollar bill. Not wanting to go straight back to the hotel after eating we went for a walk further up the main street before looping back.
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  • Dag 16


    23 juni 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Waking up on our last day in the States was depressing, even more so that there was no tea/coffee making facilities in the room 😞 Dad tried at reception to see if we could late check out but all they could do was extend it to 12pm which was no good for us. We checked out at 10am, shared my Dennys pancake and wheeled our suitcases 10 mins away to a storage place for $18. Next most important thing - a brew. It was hard work finding a place just for a brew and not food and still unsure we went for a place that had coffee on the menu outside. The coffee was served very modernly in a clear glass with a whisks for a spoon, after a free top up we made our way to Miami Beach.

    It was a glorious but hot day, the sea was clear and the sand clean. Unfortunately it was a bit sloped so we couldn't comfortable walk on the sand with the sea to cool us down. After taking a few pics we headed back to the walkway. It was then getting close to 1pm and we were both in need of a drink. Dad even more so and by the time we got to the Public supermarket he was starting to feel a bit squiffy. We got a couple of drinks each and a fruit salad to share before making our way outside to a bench to restore ourselves. After a powerade and his fruit salad dad started to come round, we then decided to go back in and get a sandwich and crisps before our walk back. My sandwich was the best one I've had in the US. The bread was light and fluffy and was packed with soft beef and a spicy horseradish sauce. We ate the crisps but kept the chocolates.

    We had three hours left until the Lyft pick up so it was time for last minute present shopping. Popping into a supermarket to see if there was a toilet I spotted the ice creams and decided to treat us. It was just what was needed the twix one had little balls of biscuit in and I hope one day they bring them to the UK.

    All too soon our time had come to the end. With one last diet coke in the sun we sorted out our suitcases before our Lyft driver arrived to take us to the airport. The airport was quick and we were soon through security after a quick chat with the Welsh couple who were also on our flight we went in hunt for some food. The pizza place looked good and I ordered hawaiian and dad had pepperoni and cheese one. While they werent the best pizza ever they were certainly nothing to complain about it. After a quick nosey around the duty free it was time to board.

    For the first couple of hours I watched Cyrano while enjoying the complimentary service. We had pretzels, I had diet coke and dad had vodka & diet coke (they were out of brandy). For the main I chose the vegetarian shephards pie and dad had chicken and rice. It started off nice but halfway through it had got too overflavoured and rich for me. Dad felt the same about his and didn't want to finish mine. He ate my bread though that was also hard. The best thing about it was the brookie, which was a new thing for me. Dad got a brew but I opted out deciding to try and get a few hours sleep instead.
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  • Dag 17

    Journey Home

    24 juni 2022, Engeland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    After a broken couple of hours of sleep on the plane, the cabin crew set out serving breakfast. It was a cute little continental box, the orange was much needed juciness. The little box of overnight oats was a nice touch but no matter how many times I try it I just don't think its for me. I saved my blueberry muffin and had it with a cup of tea from pret a manager at London Heathrow Airport

    The London to Manchester transfer flight was at 2.10pm so we when to WH Smith to grab a meal day for the flight. I was so happy that the big hoops were in the deal and got so excited about it even dad got them in his. The wrap was OK and it was nice to have a pepsi max lime. A lovely surprise on the BA flight was they come round with a complimentary packet of crisps and water that we took home with us.

    It was a quick flight and felt like we were waiting longer for my suitcase than the actual flight. Next it was the drive home, there was the usual Manchester rush hour traffic, but by 6.15pm I arrived at 25 Whernside Road. Big hugs were had with both Mum and Bob, it was nice to see them again. After a quick catch up I was mentally tired so headed home. Mum had bought me a fishcake so I got home put it in cooking with some veg while I went for a much needed shower and got into fresh pj's. Roy had sent me some lovely pictures of his day in Morocco and I looked at them with envy while wishing we were back together.

    This holiday definitely lived up to and in many ways surpassed the "trip of a lifetime" expectations. There's so much to process about everything we experienced and it's going to take days to fully absorb and appreciate but one thing for sure, this holiday is going to be something I'll never forget
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