  • Dag 21

    Leaving Catania heading to Roma

    15. september 2014, Italien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    I came for the volcano and am glad I did.

    Pic of the main church in town last night at sunset. The only nice thing in this town were the churches. Pic of the fireworks last night/this morning at 12:50 am. I'm not kidding and they did it the night before too. It was so loud it was impossible to sleep and lasted for a half an hour in total. I asked one of the people working at the hostel and they said they just do it sometimes no one really knows why. It was near lawlessness here. Being so close to Africa there are some real ass clowns in Sicily. They are not up here to contribute but rather trash the place up and act like punks. One kept touching my day pack so I turned to him and pointed to his arm and indicated I would snap his arm like a twig. He understood that language and moved on to easier prey. Up near Mount Etna however there were some small villages that were far cleaner and looked like nice places to stay. The vegetation and farms going up the mountain were incredibly lush from the great soil created from the thousands of years of lava flows that reach to the sea. Of course my requisite at the train station pic. I have to say having everything you need to live on your back and moving whenever you want has an enormous feeling of freedom that comes with it even with my pack topping 60 lbs. I'm thinking perhaps Prague after Roma.

    Good bye Mexico de Europa!
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