  • Hari 36

    Disney Sea resort

    4 November 2019, Jepang ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Let's start by saying that going to Disney on a bank holiday. Bad idea! With many of the lines being up to 3.5 hours wait, we instantly regretted our decision to come today, should have just delayed by a day. Idiots.
    Plus with not getting to bed till 2.30am and getting up at 6.30am, meant two tired irritable people first thing.
    We hoped a bit of disney magic would sort us out. Actually the cure was food and popcorn and we managed to get on most things avoiding the huge queues. Cool attractions included the little mermaid where she was suspended in a similar way to the cameras at football matches and so can zoom around the theatre. Good engineering.
    Nice park but we have been spoilt by Florida!

    Do you know who this is? Said the Japanese Disney cast member. 'Yes of course, it's King Louis' I said very confidently. 'He shares the same name as me.' 'No, it's monkey'. Ohh
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